Welcome to Bible Songs for kids about young David. We have songs about David as a shepherd boy, playing his harp, and fighting the mighty giant Goliath. These Bible songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes, just right for teaching young children at home, church, Sunday school, or Bible class.
If you’re looking for Bible songs about King David during his reign, you can find those here.
Young David Songs:
- David, Little David (Davy Crockett)
- Little David Play on Your Harp (traditional)
- Only a Boy Named David (traditional)
- David, Son of Jesse (Davy Crockett)
- It Was David (London Bridges)
- David, Servant of the Lord (I’m a Little Teapot)
- God Loves David (Jesus Loves Me)
- David & Goliath Finger-play
- David & Goliath Action Rhyme
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David, Little David
Tune: Davy Crockett
Born on a mountain top in Bethlehem,
Near the great city of Jerusalem,
Jesse of Judea was his father’s name,
He made his way to heavenly fame.
David, little David,
Play on your harp for me.
David, little David,
Play on your harp for me.
He worked for his father as shepherd boy,
And played his harp with skill and joy.
He killed a bear and a lion, too.
He trusted God to see him through.
(sing chorus)
He left his sheep and went to King Saul.
He loved Jehovah and heard his call.
Goliath challenged the anointed king,
And David slew him, with only his sling.
(sing chorus)
Little David Play on Your Harp
Tune: traditional, public domain
Little David play on your harp,
Hallelu, hallelu;
Little David play on your harp, hallelu.
Little David was a shepherd boy,
He killed Goliath and shouted for joy.
Little David play on your harp,
Hallelu, hallelu;
Little David play on your harp, hallelu.
Only a Boy Named David
By Arthur Arnott (1931)
Only a boy named David,
Only a little sling.
Only a boy named David,
But he could pray and sing.
Only a boy named David
Only a rippling brook,
Only a boy named David,
But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling,
And the sling went round and round.
And round and round and round and round,
And round and round and round.
And one little stone went up in the air,
And the giant came tumbling down.

David, Son of Jesse
Tune: Davy Crokett
The young boy David, Jesse’s son,
Went out to see what the army had done,
Over on the hill stood Goliath well seen,
The old mighty giant, the big Philistine.
David, son of Jesse,
A man after God’s own heart,
David, son of Jesse,
A man after God’s own heart
The giant stood there in armor all arrayed,
Of this big man all Israel was afraid.
David said, “The Lord who put the lion in my hand,
Will give me the power to conquer that man.”
(sing chorus)
David took his staff and went to the brook,
And five little stones from it he took.
He put them in his bag and then he drew near,
Believing in God, without any fear.
(sing chorus)
The giant saw David and his small size,
But, oh, how his army was soon surprised!
When David with his sling,
struck the giant in the head,
Down fell Goliath and his wicked army fled.
(sing chorus)
It Was David
Tune: London Bridge
Do you know who watched the sheep?
Watched the sheep, watched the sheep?
Do you know who watched the sheep?
It was David.
2. Who was skillful with a sling?
3. Do you know who killed Goliath?
4. Who was Israel’s greatest king?
5. Do you know who wrote the Psalms?

David, Servant of the Lord
Tune: I’m a Little Teapot
David was a servant of the Lord.
Here is his sling and here is his sword.
When he killed Goliath, hear him shout:
I TRUST in God, without a doubt!
David was a servant of the Lord.
Here is his crown and here is his sword.
When he ruled the kingdom, hear him shout:
I TRUST in God, without a doubt!
I can be a servant of the Lord.
Here is my heart and here is my sword.
When I do what’s right, then hear me shout:
I TRUST in God, without a doubt!
God Loves David
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
by Bruce Lewis
God loves David this we know.
For the Bible tells us so.
Kept the sheep with every care.
With God’s help he killed the bear.
God loves David this we know.
For the Bible tells us so.
With a sling and stones a few.
By God’s help, the giant he slew.
Yes, God loves David.
Yes, God loves David.
Yes, God loves David.
The Bible tells us so.
David & Goliath Finger-play
(Begin with hands behind back.)
Where is Goliath?
Here is Goliath (show left index finger)
Where is David?
Here is David! (show right pinky)
Goliath is so TALL! (stretch index finger)
David is so small! (wiggle pinky)
Goliath said, “You cannot win! I am strongest, you will see!” (use deep voice, move index finger)
David said, “I will win, for God will be with me!” (wiggle David finger while talking)
David said a prayer, (clasp hands together)
And threw his stone into the air (pretend to throw stone)
The stone flew well! (shade eyes to watch stone)
And the giant Goliath fell! (topple Goliath finger into palm of right hand)
Little David won the fight! (raise hands in victory)
For He believed in what is right! (place hands in praying position)
David & Goliath (Action Rhyme)
Goliath was big. (Hold arms up high)
David was small. (Hold hands down low)
Was David frightened? (Shake head slowly)
No, not at all. (Continue shaking head)
He slung just one stone, (Hold up 1 finger)
And the giant fell flat. (clap hands once)
God can help me! (Point to self)
To have courage like that! (Make muscles)
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Other Songs about David & Goliath from Around the Web:
- David and Goliath: Big and Small (Deep and Wide)
- David and the Giant (Pop Goes the Weasel)
More Bible Songs:
- Days of Creation
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush
- Moses & the 10 Plagues
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus
- Moses & the 10 Commandments
- Moses & the Wilderness
- Joshua and Jericho Songs
- Songs about the Judges
- Hannah & Samuel Songs
- Ruth & Naomi Songs
- Songs about King Saul
- Songs about King David
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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