Welcome to Bible Songs for kids about the Judges in the Old Testament with specific songs covering the Judges in general and then Deborah, Gideon, and Samson. Songs about Samuel and Ruth will be in a separate post. All of these songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes so you can use them to sing at home, church, Bible class, and Sunday school!
For more Bible songs, see the list at the bottom of the page.
Judges Songs
- T-R-U-S-T (Bingo)
- Bible History (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
- The Judges (10 Little Indians)
- Judges Song (Rueben, Rueben)
- Deborah (This Old Man)
- Deborah – Bible Heroine (Jesus Loves Me)
- Gideon – This is the Way (Mulberry Bush)
- Gideon (Jesus Loves Me)
- Gideon chant
- I’m in the Lord’s Army
- Samson (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Samson’s Strength (London Bridges)
- Samson – the Strongest Man (Muffin Man)
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Tune: Bingo
God is great so I will trust him
Each and every day, oh!
T-R-U-S-T, T-R-U-S-T, T-R-U-S-T,
Yes, I will trust in God! Yeah!
God [point up] is great so I [point to self] will trust him
Each and every day, oh! [spread arms wide]
T-R-U-S-T, [clap each letter]
T-R-U-S-T, [stomp each letter]
T-R-U-S-T, [hop on each letter]
Yes, [pump fist in air]
I will trust in God! [point up]
Yeah! [pump fist in air]
Bible History
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Before the flood, the flood
The Scattering of the People
The Patriarchs
The Exodus
The Wandering In the Wilderness
Invasion and Conquest
Judges, United Kingdom
Divided Kingdom, Judah Alone
Captivity and the Return
Years of Silence
Life of Christ
The Early Church
Letters to the Christians
These are the Periods of Bible History
The Judges
Tune: Ten Little Indians
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah,
Gideon, then Tola, Jair,
Jepthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon,
Samson, Eli, Samuel.
Judges Song
Tune: Rueben, Rueben
God set judges over Israel,
One brave woman, fourteen men!
They helped Israel fight their battles,
Led them back to God from sin.
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Balak,
Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair.
Jepthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon,
Samson, Eli, Samuel.

Tune: This Old Man
Deborah, she was brave
Led God’s people and many saved,
She was wise and strong
And trusted in the Lord,
Led the men with just one word.
Deborah – Bible Heroine
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Stories of the truly great,
In the Bible we are told,
Heroines and heroes too,
And their deeds both brave and bold.
Yes, they were all brave,
Yes, they were all brave,
Yes, they were all brave,
The Bible tells me so.
Deborah a woman judge,
Urged her army to its ranks,
When the battle they did win,
She wrote to God a song of thanks.
Gideon – This is the Way
Tune: Mulberry Bush
This is the way the fire came down,
Fire came down, fire came down.
This is the way the fire came down,
It burned the food on the rock.
This is the way Gideon wrung the wool,
wrung the wool, wrung the wool,
This is the way Gideon wrung the wool,
To get the water out.
This is the way Gideon played the trumpet,
played the trumpet, played the trumpet,
This is the way Gideon played the trumpet,
To give his soldiers a sign.
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Israel was a mighty group,
But they did not obey God.
God sent Midianites to punish them,
They stole their sheep and cattle, too.
Yes, God did love them.
Yes, God did love them.
Yes, God did love them.
That’s why he punished them.
Gideon was a mighty man.
He was one who obeyed God.
God said, “Gideon, tear idols down,”
And that’s just what Gideon did.
Yes, Gideon loved God.
Yes, Gideon loved God.
Yes, Gideon loved God.
That’s why he worshiped Him.
Gideon Chant
Note: Teacher chants first line, students chant the 2nd line
Gideon, Gideon, how many men?
Thirty-two thousand, Lord.
Gideon Gideon, Too many men.
What shall I do then, Lord?
Gideon, Gideon, who is afraid?
Twenty-two thousand, Lord!
Gideon, Gideon, How many men?
Only ten thousand, Lord.
Gideon, Gideon, Too many men.
What shall I do then, Lord?
Gideon, Gideon, Who laps water?
Only 300 hundred, Lord.
Gideon, Gideon, Just enough men.
Why do you say that, Lord?
Gideon, Gideon, I’ll give the victory!
I’ll do as you say, Lord.
I’m in the Lord’s Army
Tune: traditional
I may never march in the infantry,
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery,
I may never fly o’er the enemy,
But I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes, sir!
I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes, sir!
I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes, sir!
I may never march in the infantry,
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery,
I may never fly o’er the enemy,
But I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes, sir!

Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Samson was a strong young man,
strong young man, strong young man,
Samson was a strong young man,
He was a judge of God.
2. Samson kept a vow to God…and let his hair grow long.
3. Samson killed a lion one day…to prove his strength was real
4. Samson loved Delilah so…his secret he revealed.
5. “If my hair is ever cut..I’ll be like other men.”
6. Delilah had his hair cut off…And Philistines captured him.
7. Samson pushed the building down…and killed the Philistines.
Samson’s Strength
Tune: London Bridges
Samson got his strength from God,
Strength from God, strength from God.
Samson got his strength from God,
He did not cut his hair.
Samson killed a lion with his hands,
Lion with his hands, lion with his hands,
Samson killed a lion with his hands,
He was so very strong.
Samson: The Strongest Man
Tune: Muffin Man
Oh, do you know the strongest man?
The strongest man, the strongest man?
Oh, do you know the strongest man
That lived in Bible times?
Samson was the strongest man,
The strongest man, the strongest man
Samson was the strongest man,
He got his strength from God.
Other Judges Songs from around the web:
- Gideon’s Song (Count Your Many Blessings)
- Gideon Song (Mulberry Bush)
- Samson’s Strength (Oh My Darling)
- Samson’s So Big (My God is So Big)
- Deborah & Jael Song (Ballad of Davy Crockett)
Looking for More?
Songs about Ruth and Samuel will be added soon!
Check back next week for more Bible songs for kids! In the following weeks, I’ll be posting additional Old Testament Bible class songs. New Testament coming later this year! I plan to release songs each week over 2022, Lord willing. If you have any kids’ Bible class songs you would like to be included, you can email me at Amanda@maestramom.com. I’d love to hear from you!
Songs for other Bible Stories:
- Days of Creation
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush
- Moses & the 10 Plagues
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus
- Moses & the 10 Commandments
- Moses & the Wilderness
- Joshua and Jericho Songs
- Songs about the Judges
- Hannah & Samuel Songs
- Ruth & Naomi Songs
- Songs about King Saul
- Young Boy David Songs
- King David Songs
- David & the Psalms Songs
- King Solomon Songs
- Songs about the Divided Kingdom
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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