Welcome to Bible songs for kids about Daniel including songs about Shadrach, Meschach, Abednego, King Belshazzar and the handwriting on the wall, and King Nebuchadnezzar. All of these songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes for use at church, Bible class, and home.
Daniel Songs:
- Dare to Be A Daniel (Dare to Be Like Joshua)
- Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (Mulberry Bush)
- Nebuchadnezzar Had a Dream (Jesus Loves Me)
- God Sent a Dream (Roll the Gospel Chariot)
- A Hand Writing On the Wall (Farmer in the Dell)
- Belshazzar Was a Proud Little King (Zacchaeus)
- Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin (Ten Little Indians)
- Daniel in the Li-Li-Li-Li (Balaam)
- Daniel (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
- Daniel Was a Man of Prayer (Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross)
- Daniel in the Lion’s Den (London Bridges)
- God Provided All I Needed (Reuben, Reuben)
- Daniel Prophesied About Four Kingdoms (I’m a Little Teapot)
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
- I’m a Giant Statue (I’m a Little Teapot)
- Head and Shoulders (Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes)
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Dare To Be A Daniel
Tune: Dare to Be Like Joshua
Daniel and his friends must choose
What is right and wrong.
Should they take the easy way,
Or follow God’s command?
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known.
Three friends knew they should not bow,
When the signal came.
For they loved the Lord their God and
Would not worship man.
When you find that you must choose,
Do what’s right and good.
Think of Daniel and his friends,
And please the Lord your God.
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Daniel’s Life
Tune: The Ants Go Marching
See Daniel decide he will not eat,
Oh my. Oh my.
See Daniel decide he will not eat,
Oh my. Oh my.
See Daniel decide he will not eat,
The King’s Choice wine and sacred meat.
And we’ll all sing praise to God,
for delivering him, boom, boom, boom.
See Daniel interpret secret dreams,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
See Daniel interpret secret dreams,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
See Daniel interpret secret dreams,
He saves the wise men, so it seems,
And we’ll all sing praise to God,
for delivering him boom, boom, boom.
See Daniel’s friends refuse to bow,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
See Daniel’s friends refuse to bow,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
See Daniel’s friends refuse to bow,
The fire doesn’t even singe their brow,
And we’ll all sing praise to God,
for delivering them boom, boom, boom.
See Daniel in prayer three times a day,
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
See Daniel in prayer three times a day,
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
See Daniel in prayer three times a day,
Now there’s a man who lived God’s way,
And we’ll all sing praise to God,
for delivering him boom, boom, boom.
See Daniel thrown in the lion’s den,
Oh no! Oh no!
See Daniel thrown in the lion’s den,
Oh no! Oh no!
See Daniel thrown in the lion’s den,
He will come out all safe again,
And we’ll all sing praise to God,
for delivering them boom, boom, boom.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Abednego, Abednego
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Lived so long ago.
Nebuchadnezzar commanded them,
commanded them, commanded them,
Nebuchadnezzar commanded them,
Bow before me now.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Abednego, Abednego
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
They would not bow down.
In the fire you will go,
you will go, you will go,
In the fire you will go,
Make it ever hotter!
God sent an angel to watch over them,
watch over them, watch over them,
God sent an angel to watch over them,
Our God is an awesome God!

Nebuchadnezzar Had a Dream
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream,
Saw a tree, a healthy thing.
In it birds their nests had made,
Under it animals slept in the shade.
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
Just what can this dream mean?
A voice from heaven did declare,
This tree is coming down from there!
Fruit will fall, the leaves be shed.
A stump be left, it’s nearly dead!
(sing chorus)
Daniel told the king that day,
It means you’re going to go away.
Like a beast you’ll live, I fear!
Eating grass for seven years.
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar!
You ate grass like a cow!
The things that Daniel told took place,
The king went out in open space.
Like a beast he lived each day,
But he returned and had this to say,
God, oh, I praise Him!
God, I extol Him!
God, I will honor!
The God of Heaven reigns!
God Sent a Dream – Nebuchadnezzar
Tune: Roll the Gospel Chariot
God sent… a dream… to King Nebuchadnezzar,
You must learn…that I… am King forever!
You must learn… that I… am King forever!
Go live like animals.
The king… went out… from his fancy house.
Grew long hair… and ate… grass like the cows!
Grew long hair.. and ate.. grass like the cows!
And he lived like an animal.
The king… looked up… his eyes to heav’n he raised.
God is King… and I… give him the praise!
God is King… and I… give him the praise!
He is the Mighty One!
The king… went back… to his royal place.
Wrote a letter… to give… our God the praise.
Wrote a letter… to give… our God the praise.
He learned to praise the Lord!
A Hand Writing on the Wall
By John Parsons
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
A hand writing on the wall.
A hand writing on the wall.
Who is it? What does it mean?
A hand writing on the wall.
It means you have been weighed,
You never should have played
With gold cups from God’s temple,
You should be very afraid.
Belshazzar Was a Proud Little King
Tune: Zacchaeus
By John Parsons
Belshazzar was a proud little king,
And a proud little king was he.
He took gold cups from the Lord’s temple,
Himself for to please.
But as he drank wine from the cup.
God’s hand wrote on the wall,
And it said, “Belshazzar! You’ve been bad.
So I’m taking away your kingdom today!
So I’m taking away your kingdom today!”
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin
Tune: Ten Little Indians
By John Parsons
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin,
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin,
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin,
You have been found wanting.
Daniel in the Li-Li-Li-Li
Tune: Balaam or Jonah
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li- li-, li-, li-,
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li- li-, li-, li-,
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li- li-, li-, li-,
Daniel in the lion’s, Daniel in the lion’s,
Daniel in the lion’s den.

Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider
There was a man named Daniel,
Who prayed to God each day.
Then came a law that took that right away.
Daniel broke the law and was thrown into a den.
The den was full of lions,
That liked to eat up men.
Daniel Was a Man of Prayer
Tune: Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
Daniel was a man of prayer,
Daily prayed he three times.
Even when they cast him down,
In the den of lions.
Even then, in the den,
Fear could not alarm him,
God just shut the lion’s mouths,
So they could not harm him.

Daniel in the Lion’s Den
Tune: London Bridges
Daniel in the lion’s den,
lion’s den, lion’s den,
Daniel in the lion’s den,
He was not afraid.
The lions do not bite or roar,
bite or roar, bite or roar,
The lions do not bite or roar,
They don’t hurt him.
An angel shut the lion’s mouths,
lion’s mouths, lion’s mouths,
An angel shut the lion’s mouths,
God has saved him.
Daniel prays, “Oh, thank you God!”
“Thank you God! thank you God!”
Daniel prays, “Oh, thank you God!”
“You are mighty!”
God Provided All I Needed
Tune: Rueben, Reuben Been Thinking
Daniel, Daniel, won’t you tell us?
How’d you face the lions’ den?
“God provided all I needed,
Soon those cats became my friends.”
Daniel Prophesied About Four Kingdoms
Tune: I’m a Little Teapot
By Amanda Wilson
Daniel prophesied of
Four kingdoms to come,
Babylon then Persia
Greek and Roman.
But there is a stone that will
Conquer them all!
The Kingdom of God – Just watch them fall!
Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue
By John Parsons
Tune: Jesus Loves the Little Children
The statue represents four kingdoms,
Four great kingdoms of the world.
Gold, silver, bronze, iron, clay –
God has wiped them all away.
And has set up his great kingdom for the world.
I’m a Giant Statue
By John Parsons
Tune: I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a giant statue,
From the King’s dream.
My head is gold,
See how it gleams.
But the rock from God who is over all
Knocks me over and makes me fall.
Head and Shoulders
By John Parsons
Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Head and shoulders, stomach, legs.
Head and shoulders, stomach, legs.
Represent four kingdoms of the world.
Head and shoulders, stomach, legs.
Other Daniel Songs from Around the Web:
- Daniel and the Lions (Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho)
- God is King of You – Nebuchadnezzar
- Good Old Daniel
More Bible Songs:
- Days of Creation
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush
- Moses & the 10 Plagues
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus
- Moses & the 10 Commandments
- Moses & the Wilderness
- Joshua and Jericho Songs
- Songs about the Judges
- Hannah & Samuel Songs
- Ruth & Naomi Songs
- Songs about King Saul
- Young Boy David Songs
- King David Songs
- King Solomon Songs
- Divided Kingdom Songs
- Elijah Songs
- Elisha & Naaman Songs
- Jonah Songs
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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