These Bible songs for kids are all about Moses and the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness. With simple, familiar tunes – and one or two sung to a more unusual tune – these songs are just right for use at home, church, Sunday school, and Bible class. Our Moses songs cover the children of Israel grumbling in the wilderness, God leading as a cloud and fire, the tabernacle, obedience, and Moses sinning. If you’re looking for even more songs about Moses, please scroll to the bottom and click the links to other song pages. Now, let’s sing!
Jump ahead to Moses and the Wilderness Songs:
- Grumblers (Great Big Christian Smile)
- Murmur, Murmur (Are You Sleeping)
- Manna & Quail (A Tisket, a Tasket)
- God Feeds His Children (This is the Way)
- Feeding the Israelites (BINGO)
- God Lead the Children of Israel (I Stand Amazed in the Presence)
- Manna Song (Wonderful Wonderful, Jesus is to Me)
- We’re Following Jehovah (We’re Following the Leader)
- God Watches Over Us All (Polly Wolly Doodle)
- The Tabernacle (London Bridges)
- God Loved Moses (Jesus Loves Me)
- Moses Sinned (The Mulberry Bush)
- Moses Was a Man of God (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- We Will Listen and Obey -Deut. 5:27 (Old Macdonald)
- God Made Fire (London Bridges)
- I’ve Got Faith Like Moses (Peace Like a River)
- Wilderness (Jingle Bells)
>>> Jump to Old Testament Bible Songs Index
>>> Jump to Bible Songs about Jesus Index

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By Amanda Wilson
Tune: Great Big Christian Smile
Grumbly, grumbly grumblers
Grumbled all the time,
They grumbled here, grumbled there,
They grumbled every mile.
They didn’t like their supper,
They didn’t like their drinks,
They didn’t like anything,
They said, “This really stinks!”
Don’t you be a grumbler!
And grumble all the time,
Don’t grumble here & grumble there,
Fix it with a smile!
Murmur, Murmur
By Amanda Wilson
Tune: Are You Sleeping
Murmur, murmur,
complain & grumble,
Frown & scowl,
gripe & whine,
The Israelites were grumpy,
The Israelites were grumpy,
All the time, all the time.
Be so grateful,
be so grateful,
Count your blessings!
Say, “Thank You Lord!”
Be thankful that He cares for you,
Be thankful that He cares for you,
All the time, all the time.
Manna and Quail
Tune: A Tisket, a Tasket
So hungry, so hungry,
The Israelites were hungry.
They cried to Moses and said,
“Why did you bring us here?”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry,”
Said Moses to the people,
“God our Father cares for you,
He will send you food.”
The manna, the manna,
God sent the manna,
It was bread sent down from heaven.
To show God’s loving care.
The quail, the quail,
God sent the quail.
It was meat sent down from heaven,
To show God’s loving care.

God Feeds His Children
Tune: This is the Way
This is the way the manna fell,
The manna fell, the manna fell.
This is the way the manna fell,
To feed the children of Israel.
This is the way the quail came down,
The quail came down, the quail came down,
This is the way the quail came down,
To feed the children of Israel.
Feeding the Israelites
There was a food that God did give
And manna was it’s name, oh!
M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A,
And manna was it’s name, oh!
There was a meat that God did send
And quail was it’s name, oh!
Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L,
And quail was it’s name, oh!

God Led the Children of Israel
Tune: I Stand Amazed in the Presence
God led the children of Israel
by Moses’ mighty hand.
He parted the Red Sea before them;
they crossed over on dry land.
Oh, how marvelous – is the pow’r of God
as He leads us on our way.
There’s a pillar of fire,
leading in the night;
and an enormous cloud by day.
Manna Song
Tune: Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus is to Me
by Yolanda Lopez
What is it? What is it?
Laying on the ground.
What is it? What is it?
Everywhere it’s found.
Gather it, gather it,
Each one as he should.
God has given bread from heaven
He is good!
NOTE: If you’re unfamiliar with the tune to this song, you can hear it on YouTube)
We’re Following Jehovah
Tune: We’re Following the Leader
We’re following Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah
We’re following Jehovah – wherever He may lead.
He leads us by His cloud, His cloud, His cloud
He leads us by His cloud – whenever it is day.
He leads us by His fire, His fire, His fire
He leads us by His fire – whenever it is night.
God Watches Over Us All
Tune: Polly Wolly Doodle
Oh the sun comes up and the sun goes down,
‘Cause God planned it that way.
And every time the sun goes around
We get a brand new day.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet,
And wear a happy smile.
While the cloud is gently leading
And the fire’s softly gleaming,
God’s watching over us all.
The Tabernacle
Tune: London Bridges
God told Moses, make me a house,
Make me a house, make me a house,
God told Moses, make me a house,
And Moses obeyed him.
The tabernacle was God’s house,
Was God’s house, was God’s house,
Then God filled it with his glory,
And the people worshiped him.
God Loved Moses
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
God loved Moses this we know.
For the Bible tells me so.
He kept the law with every care,
With God’s help he was very fair.
God loved Moses this we know.
For the Bible tells me so.
He had faith to obey,
Pleasing God in every way.
Yes, God loved Moses.
Yes, God loved Moses.
Yes, God loved Moses.
The Bible tells me so.
Moses Sinned
Tune: The Mulberry Bush
God told Moses to speak to the rock,
Speak to the rock, speak to the rock,
God told Moses to speak to the rock,
To bring forth water.
But Moses sinned, he hit the rock,
He hit the rock, he hit the rock,
But Moses sinned, he hit the rock,
And spoke to the people.
God said Moses couldn’t go in,
Couldn’t go in, couldn’t go in,
God said Moses couldn’t go in,
Into the land of Canaan.
Moses Was a Man of God
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Moses was a man of God,
Man of God, man of God.
Moses was a man of God,
A humble man was he.
We Will Listen and Obey (Deut. 5:27 Song)
Tune: Old MacDonald
We will Listen and Obey,
Yes Lord! Yes, we will.
We will Listen and Obey,
Yes Lord, yes we will.
With a Yes Lord here, and a Yes Lord there,
Here a Yes, There a Yes, Everywhere a Yes! Yes!
We will Listen and Obey,
Yes, Lord! Yes, we will.
God Made Fire
By John Parsons
Tune: London Bridge
God called with fire at the Burning Bush
Burning Bush, Burning Bush
God called with fire at the Burning Bush
God made fire.
God led with fire in the Pillar at night
Fire at night, fire at night,
God led with fire in the Pillar at night
God made fire.
I’ve Got Faith Like Moses
By John Parsons
Tune: Peace like a River
I’ve got faith like Moses,
I’ve got faith like Joshua,
I’ve got faith like the Israelites,
In my soul! (repeat)
I’m on fire like Jehovah!
I’m on fire like Jehovah!
I’m on fire like Jehovah!
In my soul! (repeat)
By Amanda Wilson
Tune: Jingle Bells
Wilderness, wilderness
They spent 40 years,
Walking through the wilderness,
Often close to tears.
Wilderness, wilderness
They spent 40 years,
Learning how to trust in God
To conquer all their fears.
Check back next week for more Bible class songs to teach about Joshua! In the following weeks, I’ll be posting additional Old Testament Bible class songs. New Testament coming later this year! I plan to release songs each week over 2022, Lord willing. If you have any kids’ Bible class songs you would like to be included, you can email me at
Other Songs About Moses and the Wilderness from Around the Web:
- Hear, O Israel – Deut. 6 (tune in hymn books, listen to it here)
Coming Up Next:
- Joshua
- Entering Canaan, The Promised Land
- Judges
Songs for other Bible Stories:
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush Songs
- Moses & the 10 Plagues Songs
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus Songs
- Moses & the 10 Commandments Songs
- Moses & the Wilderness Songs
- Joshua & the Battle of Jericho Songs
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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