
Teaching Your Kids to Have Good Manners at a Very Early Age

TEaching Your Kids to Have Good Manners

Guest Post by Andrea Gibbs

Children are gifts from God. Nurturing them into individuals that make a positive impact on society is something we should all strive to do. Having good manners among your children is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Initiating this process at an early age will allow them time to learn before they grow up and interact with others in society.

Good manners are not taught by accident; they are learned. Children are born with two instincts: survival and social. It is up to adults to assist children in teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Parenting is a difficult job. We cannot expect perfection or even near perfection from our children.

This post focuses on teaching your kids good manners from a very early age, and in the same way, I hope it will motivate you.

Good Manners vs. Bad Manners

Manners are a reflection of our character. Manners show how much we care about others. When we have good manners, it will lead to good communities and society. However, it will be reflected in the community and culture when we lack manners.

When most children are young, they do not necessarily have bad manners; they simply do not know any better. Their knowledge of proper etiquette increases as they grow older and mature.

However, usually, children do not learn good manners at an early age. This is where teaching them has a great impact. It is parents’ responsibility to instill good behaviors in their children in their early years. It is a biblical way to teach a child the right angles to live an upright life.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” —Prov. 22:6.

Why Teach Your Kids Good Manners?

Teaching children good manners will serve them for the rest of their lives. Parents must instill in their children good manners at a young age. Parents should teach their children the difference between good and bad manners because it can affect their quality of life and the society in which they live.

It is essential that the process of teaching children good manners begins very early in their life. Parents should model good conduct and guide their children to learn the right paths at a young age. If parents do this, children can make responsible decisions as they age.

READ: 10 Good Manners Every Child Should Master

The Importance of Early Childhood

We cannot expect children to understand right from wrong when they are five years old. They will only understand the consequences of their actions when reaching their teens or even late teens. As soon as they grow up, it will be too late to change who they are.

Educating children in good manners should begin at an early age. The earlier, the better! Since they’re still at an age when it’s easier for them to listen to parents and adults around them, you should start as soon as possible. If you wait too long to teach them good manners, there is a higher chance that they will not learn them at all.

Smiling mom holding child

Benefits of Teaching Your Kids Good Manners

Here are the advantages of teaching children good manners at a very early age.


 It is essential that children become responsible as soon as possible. Educating children in good manners will help them discern right from wrong. This will make them accountable for their actions, and they will have to justify why they did something or why they did not do something.

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They become more open. Open-minded children will accept others as they are. They will learn to respect other people and understand them as unique individuals with their own set of morals and beliefs.


Good manners teach children to respect others, making them respectful of those around them. They will know how to show respect for people of different ages and backgrounds.


Children who have good manners are likely to become intelligent. Having good manners will teach them to listen and to follow instructions. They will be open to learning from people around them.


Children who learn good manners will learn how to interact with others as they grow. A social situation makes them more likely to rely on their intuition. They will be confident and have a level head when interacting with others.


They are willing to learn new things and ask for advice. Good manners teach children to respect other people’s opinions and ideas.


 They will learn to be graceful in their actions, words, and dress. They will understand that putting others before them is the correct way of living.

How to Teach Your Kids Good Manners

Start teaching your children good morals and etiquette early so they can become well-mannered adults. Here are some tips on how to accomplish this:

1. Teach Them God’s Way

Parents must teach their children about God’s way of life from a young age. Teach them how to love, serve, and obey him. When appropriate, show them the Bible and how it teaches about treating others respectfully and kindly.

This way, they will grow as God-fearing people and understand that all people are created in God’s image. Also, they will know how to treat their parents, siblings, and other members of their families with love and respect.

READ: Who is God? Your Little One Wants to Know – Free Story Download

2. Set a Good Example

As parents, we should set a good example for our children regarding mannerisms, attitudes, and behavior. Being polite and well-mannered will teach your child to be respectful and courteous. Act with consideration around them, as your attitude will rub off on them.

Your children will take after you and be interested in your values and behavior. So, lead by example.

3. Talk to Them

Parents should talk to their children and get them involved in conversations. When they are at home, they should sit with their children and spend more time with them. It is best to spend quality time explaining manners, values, and proper behavior to them.

Deuteronomy 11:19, “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” 

Having a good conversation with them will make them listen to you and take your words to heart, especially instilling God’s will in their lives.

4. Make it a Fun Experience:

Children love games, so be sure to use games to teach good manners. Here are some suggestions:

• Name Tag Game: In this game, the children will have to introduce themselves and tell other players their name, age, and something they like to do. This game teaches your children to be polite and friendly. It also helps in making new friends.

• Matching Plus One: The children must compliment each other in this game. Also, they must ask themselves what they are thankful for. They will then match their answers with those of their partner.

• Be Careful Whose Mouth You Point: This is a game in which you tell the children to point to their mouths and say “no” after telling them which words they should not use. The objective of this game is to teach your children how to be polite when they hear bad words.

• Hide and Seek: In this game, you can ask the children to hide themselves and then ask them to find you. This game will teach them to be courteous because they have to seek you out and say sorry when they do not see you.

• What If a Friend Was Late? In this game, the children must pretend that their friend is late for a particular activity, and they must give an apology speech. This game teaches your kids how to be courteous and apologetic when someone is late for something.

5. Show Them Affection Through Discipline

Many fall into misconceptions concerning the relationship between discipline and affection. They think that discipline is meant to hurt one another and affection means being soft and mushy.

However, discipline can also teach children the right behaviors in some cases. For instance, when a child misbehaves, it is often a result of the child’s lack of manners. When you discipline your child, tell him what he did wrong tactfully and without anger. He will learn from this lesson that his attitude is not acceptable or good at all times.

It is a biblical way of disciplining children because, in Proverbs 29:15–16, it’s instructive. It tells: “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. This is why a parent goes on ahead of his child when he is old enough to leave home.” 

Ensure you are using the right discipline to teach your child good conduct and manners. A child should be disciplined for misbehaving because he is being naughty and disobedient.

6. Be Consistent

Inconsistent teaching will not result in children changing their behavior. Therefore, parents should always consistently teach them good manners and discipline. When you tell them to study for an exam and do their homework, do not just say it once or twice. Tell them several times so they will take note of your words and obey you accordingly.

7. Know When to Say Sorry

When your child has done something wrong, he should be the first one to say sorry or apologize. You should not have to force him or make him say sorry. If he refuses to apologize, always remind him of what he did wrong and that he must ask for forgiveness from the other party involved.

Good Manners Pin - Child in overalls smelling a flower


Instilling good behavior and manners in children at an early age is important. They will grow up to be kind, civil, and modest adults if your efforts to teach them good conduct are successful. They will have good manners and not offend anyone intentionally because they know how to respect people and their property.

Foster good manners in your children by helping them be good role models for other people. Show them how to do the right things, and then make sure you live by these instructions. They will learn to respect and love God, their parents, teachers, and fellow students.

Author Bio

Andrea is currently the head of content management at SpringHive Web Design Company. This digital agency provides creative web design, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization services to small businesses and entrepreneurs. She is also a blog contributor at Baby Steps Preschool, writing storytime themes, parenting tips, and seasonal activities to entertain children.

Andrea guest author Teaching Your Kids Good Manners

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