Welcome to children’s Bible songs about Moses crossing the Red Sea or Moses and the Exodus. All of these Exodus songs are simple and sung to familiar kids’ tunes! They’re just right for use in Bible class, Sunday school, home, and church. Let’s get singing!
Moses and the Red Sea Songs
- There’s a Path God Prepared in the Middle of the Sea (There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea)
- God’s People Go Marching (The Ants Go Marching)
- Moses, Moses (Peter, Peter)
- Moses & The Red Sea (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
- Moses Led The Israelites (Yankee Doodle)
Looking for other Moses songs? Scroll down to the bottom of the post for more links to other Moses stories and other Old Testament Bible characters.
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There’s a Path God Prepared in the Middle of the Sea
Tune: There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
By John Parsons
There’s a path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
There’s a path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
There’s a path, God prepared.
There’s a path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
So, the Jews took the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
So, the Jews took the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
So, the Jews, took the path.
So, the Jews took the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Pharaoh’s men chased the Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Pharaoh’s men chased the Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Pharaoh’s men, chased the Jews.
Pharaoh’s men chased the Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Waters crushed Pharaoh’s men chasing Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Waters crushed Pharaoh’s men chasing Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
Waters crushed, Pharaoh’s men.
Waters crushed Pharaoh’s men chasing Jews down the path God prepared through the middle of the sea.
God’s People Go Marching
Tune: The Ants Go Marching
God’s people go marching 1 by 1.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
God’s people go marching 1 by 1.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
God’s people go marching 1 by 1.
A little one stops to sit in the sun.
And they all go marching through
The Red Sea on their way to the Promised Land.
2. God’s people go marching 2 by 2, …a little one stops to hear a cow moo.
3. God’s people go marching 3 by 3, …a little one stops to look at the sea.
4. God’s people go marching 4 by 4, …a little one stops to play by the shore
5. God’s people go marching 5 by 5, …a little one stops to thank God he’s alive.
6. God’s people go marching 6 by 6, …a little one stops to throw some sticks
7. God’s people go marching 7 by 7, …a little one stops to look up to heaven.

Psst! Pin these songs for later!
Moses, Moses
Tune: Peter, Peter
by Ruth Hale
Moses, Moses was the leader
Of God’s people the Israelites.
And he led them out of Egypt
To the Red Sea deep and wide.
“Moses, Moses, you must save us.”
How they cried in awful fright,
“For the Pharaoh will o’er take us,
And we’re surely die tonight.”
Moses calmed the frightened people,
Held his rod away up high.
Made a dry path through the water,
Save God’s people, the Israelites.

Moses & The Red Sea
Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Israelites left Egypt’s land,
They wanted to be free.
Great Moses led them
Onward to the sea.
There God was with them,
And kept them safe from harm,
For Moses did what God had said,
And he stretched out his arm.
The Red Sea opened wide and dry,
To let God’s people through.
Men, women, and children,
Sheep and cattle, too.
Then came Egyptians,
With horses wild and fast,
But the Red Sea closed its waves again,
And would not let them pass.
Moses Led the Israelites
Tune: Yankee Doodle
Moses led the Israelites,
Though the deep Red Sea,
Held the waters with his staff,
And said, “Come follow me.”
God made sure the waters held,
And set the people free.
Then he let the water flow
And stopped that mean old king.
Other Moses and the Red Sea Songs from Around the Web:
- If You Obey Me (Fishers of Men)
- Song of the Exodus (I Stand Amazed)
Check back next week for more Bible class songs to teach about Moses! Then, iIn the following weeks, I’ll be posting additional Old Testament Bible class songs. New Testament coming later this year! I plan to release songs each week over 2022, Lord willing. If you have any kids’ Bible class songs you would like to be included, you can email me at Amanda@maestramom.com. I’d love to hear from you!
Coming Up Next:
- Moses and the 10 Commandments
- Moses in the Wilderness
- Joshua
- Judges
Songs for other Bible Stories:
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush Songs
- Moses & the 10 Plagues Songs
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus Songs
- Moses & the 10 Commandments Songs
- Moses & the Wilderness Songs
- Joshua & the Battle of Jericho Songs
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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