Welcome to Bible songs for kids about King David. These songs teach about David’s interactions with Jonathan, Abigail, Bathsheba, and Uriah. All of these songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes for use at home, Bible class, or church.
For songs about David & Goliath or David as a boy, check out these songs here.
Jump ahead to King David Songs:
- David & Jonathan (Are You Sleeping?)
- Abigail (Are You Sleeping?)
- Abigail & Nabal (The Bear Went Over the Mountain)
- The United Kingdom (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Bathsheba & Uriah (Three Blind Mice)
- God Forgives Me (Jesus Loves Me)
- Please, Please Forgive Me (O Where is My Hairbrush?)
- Mighty King (Mulberry Bush)
- Sing a Song of David (Sing a Song of Sixpence)
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David & Jonathan
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
I am Jonathan, I am Jonathan,
I love you, I love you!
Here’s my robe and bow,
Here’s my robe and bow,
I’ll be your friend, ever true.
Tune: Are You Sleeping
Beautiful Abigail, Beautiful Abigail,
Loved the Lord, loved the Lord!
She showed love & wisdom,
She showed love & wisdom,
And followed his word,
And followed his word.
Foolish Nabal, foolish Nabal,
Mean and bad, mean and bad.
He was rich but worthless,
He was rich but worthless,
And made others mad,
And made others mad.
Good King David, Good King David,
Lost his temper! Lost his temper!
When Abigail spoke wisely,
When Abigail spoke wisely,
He listened to her, He listened to her.
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Jonah | Noah’s Ark | Daniel in The Lion’s Den | David and Goliath (Old Testament), 15 Piece each
Abigail & Nabal
Tune: The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Abigail was discerning,
Abigail was beautiful,
Abigail was lovely,
But, Nabal was harsh & bad!
Yes, Nabal was harsh & bad!
He made David really mad!
David wanted to kill him,
Abigail went out to stop him!
She brought drinks & food to him!
She made David really glad!
She said, “Nabal’s a cad!
He’s a foolish & worthless lad!”
Oh, please accept my present
The Lord will make you glad”
David didn’t kill Nabal,
But God struck down Nabal,
Then David married Abigail,
For the wisdom that she had!
Jump to King David & Saul Song >> a song about David hiding in the caves from Saul

The United Kingdom
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
The United Kingdom had 3 kings,
Had 3 kings, had 3 kings,
The United Kingdom had 3 kings,
Saul, David, Solomon.
Bathsheba & Uriah
Tune: Three Blind Mice
by Amanda Wilson
Bathsheba, Bathsheba,
Taking a bath, taking a bath,
David stayed home from the war that day,
He let his eyes look that way,
Then he stole her, then he stole her.
Uriah, Uriah,
Off to the war, off to the war
Then David sent word to kill his friend,
It was a sad and bitter end,
David sinned, David sinned.
God Forgives Me
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
My God loves me when I’m good,
When I do the things I should.
My God loves me when I’m bad,
But it makes Him very sad.
Sometimes I may disobey,
But God forgives me when I pray.
Repent means change the way I act,
Don’t go back and act like that.
Yes, God forgives me!
Yes, God forgives me!
Yes, God forgives me!
When I ask Him to.
I love others when they’re good,
When they do the things they should.
I love others when they’re bad,
I forgive and make God glad.
I forgive others,
I forgive others,
I forgive others,
When they’re so wrong to me.
Please, Please Forgive Me
Tune: O Where is My Hairbrush? (Veggie Tales)
By Amanda Wilson
Oh, please… please forgive me!
Oh, please… please forgive me!
Oh please, oh please,
Oh please, oh please,
Oh please!
Please forgive me!
My God… will forgive me!
My God…will forgive me!
God will, God will,
God will, God will,
God will…
Forgive me!

Mighty King
Tune: Mulberry Bush
David was a mighty king,
Mighty king, mighty king,
David was a mighty king,
He ruled the people well.
David was a friend of God,
Friend of God, friend of God,
David was a friend of God,
He ruled the people well.
David was kind to Jonathan’s son,
Jonathan’s son, Jonathan’s son,
David was kind to Jonathan’s son,
He ruled the people well.
Sing a Song of David
Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing a song of David,
Israel’s greatest king.
First he was a shepherd,
And he liked to sing.
Then he killed Goliath,
With a stone and sling,
Didn’t that take bravery
By Israel’s greatest king?
David was a victor,
With his sling and sword,
He brought peace to Israel,
Everywhere he warred.
All the people praised him,
And he was adored,
Didn’t that take wisdom
By the man who loved the Lord?
He wrote many scriptures,
With a scroll and pen,
When he sinned, he asked
God to forgive, and then,
He wrote songs of praise for fellowship again,
Didn’t that take faithfulness
To have God for his friend?
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Other Songs about David from Around the Web:
- Song of David and Jonathan (Give Me That Old Time Religion)
More Bible Songs:
- Days of Creation
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush
- Moses & the 10 Plagues
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus
- Moses & the 10 Commandments
- Moses & the Wilderness
- Joshua and Jericho Songs
- Songs about the Judges
- Hannah & Samuel Songs
- Ruth & Naomi Songs
- Songs about King Saul
- Young Boy David Songs
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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