Welcome to Bible songs about Joseph, son of Jacob, in the Old Testament. The songs in this post are all about Joseph – his coat, his dreams, his adventures, and his family! All of these Bible songs for kids are simple and sung to familiar tunes for use at home, church, Bible class, and Sunday school.
Jump ahead to Joseph Songs
- Joseph’s Coat (Mulberry Bush)
- Joseph’s Pretty Coat (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Jacob Loved Joseph (O How I Love Jesus)
- Joseph Was a Dreamer (Glory, Glory Hallelujah)
- God Was With Joseph (Farmer in the Dell)
- A Boy Named Joseph (Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross)
- The 12 Sons of Jacob
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>>> Jump to Bible Songs about Jesus Index

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Joseph’s Coat
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Joseph’s father loved him so,
loved him so, loved him so,
Joseph’s father loved him so,
He made him a beautiful coat.
Joseph’s coat had many colors,
many colors, many colors,
Joseph’s coat had many colors,
Red and blue and yellow.
Joseph’s Pretty Coat
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Joseph had a pretty coat,
pretty coat, pretty coat,
Joseph had a pretty coat,
Made of many colors.
Jacob Loved Joseph
Tune: Chorus of “Oh, How I Love Jesus”
O Jacob loved Joseph,
O Jacob loved Joseph,
O Jacob loved Joseph,
More than his other sons.
A coat of colors he gave him,
A coat of colors he gave him,
A coat of colors he gave him,
Because he loved him so.
The brothers all hated Joseph,
The brothers all hated Joseph,
The brothers all hated Joseph,
Because Jacob loved him so.

Joseph Was a Dreamer
Tune: Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
by Amanda Wilson
Joseph, Joseph was a dreamer.
Joseph, Joseph was a dreamer.
Joseph, Joseph was a dreamer,
He had two different dreams.
First, he dreamed about the sheaves of grain,
First, he dreamed about the sheaves of grain,
First, he dreamed about the sheaves of grain,
His brothers bowed to him.
Next, he dreamed about the sun, moon, and stars,
Next, he dreamed about the sun, moon, and stars,
Next, he dreamed about the sun, moon, and stars,
They all bowed down to him.

God Was With Joseph
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
by Amanda Wilson
Joseph had a coat,
Yes, Joseph had a coat.
He got it from his father,
Yes, Joseph had a coat.
Joseph had dreams.
Yes, Joseph had dreams,
He told them to his brothers,
Yes, Joseph had dreams.
Joseph was in a pit,
Yes, Joseph was in a pit,
His brothers threw him down in there,
Yes, Joseph was in a pit.
Off to Egypt then,
Yes, off to Egypt then,
His brothers sold him as a slave,
Off to Egypt then.
In Potipher’s house,
Yes, in Potipher’s house,
Working as a slave there,
Yes, in Potipher’s house.
Joseph was in jail,
Yes, Joseph was in jail,
He hadn’t done anything wrong,
But, Joseph was in jail.
Joseph had dreams.
Yes, Joseph had dreams,
He told them to the men in jail,
Yes, Joseph had dreams.
Pharaoh had dreams,
Yes, Pharaoh had dreams,
He told them to Joseph,
Yes, Pharaoh had dreams.
God was with Joseph,
Yes, God was with Joseph
Through all the ups and downs of life,
God was with Joseph.
A Boy Named Joseph
Tune: Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
A boy named Joseph in old Canaan’s land,
Was known as a dreamer and led by God’ hand.
His brothers all envied the fine coat he wore,
They wanted to kill him and see him no more.
His brothers then sold him for the price of a slave,
Some traders from Egypt took Joseph away.
In Potiphar’s household trustworthy and true,
He always was honest, no evil would do.
They put him in prison, though he did not wrong,
Trough many hard trials his faith was still strong.
A dream of King Pharaoh that no one else knew,
He told them the meaning for God’s word was true.
A ruler in Egypt at last he became,
Through prison and famine his faith never waned.
Oh Joseph as faithful, a servant of God,
A life of true service the road that he trod.
Looking for songs about the 12 sons of Jacob? They’re on the Jacob Bible Songs page.
Other Joseph Songs from Around the Web:
- Joseph’s Song (London Bridge)
- Song of Joseph (Good King Wenceslas)
- Song of Joseph and His Brothers (Faith is the Victory)
- Joseph’s Life Song
Check back next week for more Bible songs! In the following weeks, I’ll be posting additional Old Testament Bible songs. New Testament coming later this year! I plan to release songs each week over 2022, Lord willing. If you have any kids’ Bible songs you would like to be included, you can email me at Amanda@maestramom.com. I’d love to hear from you!
Songs for other Bible Stories:
- More Creation Songs
- Adam and Eve Songs
- Noah’s Ark Songs
- Abraham Songs
- Jacob Songs
- Joseph Songs
- Baby Moses Songs
- Moses & the Burning Bush Songs
- Moses & the 10 Plagues Songs
- Moses & the Red Sea Exodus Songs
- Moses & the 10 Commandments Songs
- Moses & the Wilderness Songs
- Joshua & the Battle of Jericho Songs
Coming Up Next:
- Moses and the 10 Commandments
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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Pingback: Baby Moses Songs - Children's Bible Class Songs - Maestra Mom
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