I’ve been on the hunt for a way to make YouTube safe for kids and I think I’ve finally found the solution! I love YouTube, I admit it! Honestly, as much as we prioritize books and authentic learning, it seems like we use YouTube around our home almost daily to supplement classroom instruction.
There are so many educational videos that enhance a child’s learning! In our homeschool, we frequently look up videos related to history as well as science concepts and experiments. We also listen to audio books read aloud from Youtube as well as picture books. Although we strictly enforce screen time rules in this house, using educational videos can really make a subject come alive during school hours and even captivate reluctant learners!
Video can be a fabulous teaching tool to draw kids in to new content or summarize a concept after teaching through another modality.
The problem is all the “other” stuff that comes along with YouTube. You know what I mean, the often inappropriate ads, the unexpected links, and the crazy comments below. I don’t know about you, but in my house, those side bars of other videos can be a huge distraction!
I had been looking for a way to make YouTube safe for kids. What if there was a way to get all the awesome educational videos for kids without all the inappropriate content and distractions?
Well, I found it!

Finding clean, appropriate educational videos can be a real challenge but it doesn’t have to be so difficult. I’m happy to be partnered with SafeShare to let parents and teachers know of a simple option that makes YouTube safe for kids. Disclosure: I’m proud to be working with SafeShare as part of their 2021 influencer program. All options expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified with SafeShare.

What is SafeShare?
SafeShare is software used all over the globe by parents and teachers to share and watch videos without ads or distractions! It is the perfect teaching tool to make YouTube safe for kids, so parents and educators can rest easy.
How to Use SafeShare to Make YouTube Safe for Kids?
SafeShare allows educators and parents to generate videos without advertisements, annotations, or links to potentially inappropriate content. Suddenly, we have YouTube safe for kids! No distractions, bad content, no ugly comments! With this software, you can even edit the title of the video and the description to make it more kid-friendly or to match the topic you are studying.
This amazing software allows parents and teachers to trim videos, too, offering the choice to only show students a portion of a video. What an incredible feature!
Features of SafeShare
- Watch videos ad free
- Control the privacy settings of videos
- Trim the videos as desired
- Share directly to Google Classroom
- Rename the video
- Change the video description
- Eliminate distractions from other content and links
- Makes Vimeo and YouTube safe for kids

How Does SafeShare Work to Make YouTube Safe for Kids?
- Go to SafeShare & sign in
- Open up YouTube in another window.
- Copy & paste the URL of a YouTube video
- Edit the start time or end time, title, or description
- Get a short new URL or QR code that you can paste anywhere or share on Facebook, email, Google Classroom, or any platform!
- Watch & enjoy!
How Much Does SafeShare Cost?
Are you ready for this? It’s FREE! You can create videos, create playlists, and access other basic features all for free. However, if you’re a homeschool mom or a classroom teacher, you may end up using it quite a bit. In this case, they have premium plans for single-users and organization plans for schools where you get access to even more features for only a few dollars a month.
So go ahead and jump on over to SafeShare, sign up, and start creating videos you can use to make Youtube safe for kids you love and care about!
READ NEXT: 100 Must Read Classic Books for Kids in Grades 1-5

This is great! My sister doesn’t do any kind of screen timer or really restrict my nieces much. About a month ago we caught the younger one watching something inappropriate so this will be helpful to her
Feel free to share this page with her! The internet is a scary place so I love being able to share resources like this when I come across them.
I will definitely check them out. We have 4 boys , and I sometime find inappropriate ads on what he like to watch. Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome, Cecile! Sounds like your a busy momma! SafeShare sounds like a perfect fit!
This is great! I will definitely look into this! thanks for sharing.
I’m a homeschooling mom and I can’t wait to try this out. I’m wondering if it allows you to save videos. Something that bothers me about YouTube is that if it’s marked just for kids, I can’t save it in a Playlist for later.
Hi Amber – that is a fabulous question! I know you can build new playlists in SafeShare so probably it will work, but I know what you mean about the kid videos in YouTube and I’m not sure of the answer. A work-around to that in YouTube is to back out of the video onto the search list, then before you click on the video to watch, click the 3 little dots on the right and it WILL let you save the kids videos to your playlist. Game-changer!
This is a great resource! Great share!
Thanks, Barbara!
My husband and I will be having kids soon. One of my biggest fears is everything they’ll be exposed to. We’re already looking at homeschooling (for many reasons), but I know that having school time at home doesn’t prevent them from all the inappropriate things they can be exposed to. Thanks for the resource!
Alicia, you sound like a wise and careful momma, even if you haven’t had those babies yet. Homeschooling is a joy and blessing. It’s wonderful that you are already considering it!
Oh boy is this ever so important! Keeping kids safe from any media, apps, tv and youtube is quite a feat these days! Thanks for this.
Right you are, Angela! I’m glad there are resources like this available.
What a wonderful tip! If I had children I would definitely use this. And free, too! Amazing.
When I think about everything kids can be exposed to on the internet, it makes me so happy that mine are grown.
It is a scary world sometimes, so I’m thankful for simple tech tools like SafeShare that make it a bit easier!
It’s so good to know about this app! I’ll share with my grown children.
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