“Wow! She’s stinkin’ cute!”, I thought as my toddler zipped by with her bright smile. She was bound and determined to accomplish whatever it was that was on her mind. I had no idea what little goal she was pursuing, but nothing was going to get in her way! I stood admiring her determination and pluck when it suddenly occurred to me! Toddlers seem to live with their own set of hard-wired rules that make them tremendously successful at learning.
What is it that allows a toddler to acquire such language skills, social skills, life skills, and academic knowledge in such a small space of time? Who else among us can master a language in 2 years and complete all the physical practice necessary to completely learn how to walk, run, skip, and hop?
I grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled down the things that came to mind that make a toddler so successful. They are amazing little beings chock full of fortitude and so much more. We can actually learn so much from them!

10 Life Hacks I Learned from my Toddler
1. If a door opens, go through it.
No matter what door opens, my toddler is immediately drawn to peek through it to the other side. Most of the time, she dashes through as quickly as possible just from sheer curiosity to see what is on the other side. If someone shuts a door, she knocks on it or pounds on it or reaches up on her tiny toes to try to open it. Sometimes, when God opens a door, we just need to walk through it with as much bravery and curiosity as our toddlers!
2. If it’s slightly out of reach, stretch as hard as you can until you reach it. If you still can’t reach it, make noise until someone helps you.
Many things in life are just beyond our reach. Don’t give up so quickly! Put some effort into it and focus intently. When those moments in life come when you seem unable to reach your goal, bring others in alongside of you who can support you, encourage you, help you, and…yes! Clap for you when you finally reach it! Yay! You did it!
3. When learning something new, practice it over and over.
Toddlers are masters at practicing the same task repetitiously. As adults, we fatigue and grow impatient when learning something new. Not so with our littles. They are unashamed at their lack of knowledge and do not stop to care who is watching or what others think. If you’re trying to learn something new, do it with all your heart! Everyone starts somewhere.
READ: 19 Quiet Toddler Toys That Will Keep Them Happy
4. Use what you know. Repeat. Repeat again.
Toddlers may only know one way to accomplish a task, like scaling the stairs one giant step at a time, but they have figured out that they will eventually accomplish it if they just do what works. Said another way, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Once you find a winning formula, don’t be afraid to use it and use it some more! Eventually, you will probably learn more than one way to do something, but it the meantime, just keep on keeping on.
5. If you want something, take it.
Okay, I can’t always endorse this statement, but I have to admire a toddler’s wholehearted devotion to getting what they want! As adults, we know we shouldn’t always take what we want, but there are times when this motto can come in handy as a motivator! For example, you want to go to heaven? Don’t let anything deter you from your goal. When toddlers use this to take their sister’s toy, however, well, then we need to talk.

6. Cling tightly to those you love.
My husband started the vacuum cleaner. With a jerk, my toddler’s little head snapped up and she raced full tilt into my arms. “Mommy, I scared! I scared!” I scooped her up and she clung tightly to my neck while I whispered to her that it was just a vacuum cleaner and nothing to fear. I tried to set her down, but she wrapped her little arms even tighter and wouldn’t let go. We all need our safe port when we’re scared. God didn’t intend us to do life alone – he knew we would need each other when the trials of life hit. So, when life gets rocky, run and cling tightly to those you love and don’t let them go! Of course, God will never, ever let you go and he’s always with us when we’re afraid!
READ: 10 Sanity Saving Tips for Homeschooling With a Toddler
7. Smile sweetly at everyone. But keep a poker face if you’re wary.
Being friendly is important! Many toddlers seem to know innately how to charm a room. It’s kind of amazing and something I wish we could all remember from our toddler-hood. From shy, slow smiles to big, slobbery grins, tiny toddlers often wrap us right around their little fingers in a heartbeat! But then there’s those times they obstinately refuse to smile no matter what (especially if Mom is trying to take a photo). It’s like they have some 6th sense about scary people or manipulative situations. Interpersonal relationships are even more vital as adults! Be charming. Smile. Bring joy to those around you, just watch out for scary people.
8. When you fall down, get back up and go again.
Toddlers fall down. A lot. Pretty much every day, actually. You have to admire their pluck to just get back up and immediately walk – or run – again! Occasionally, my toddler comes running over for a kiss or demanding, “Boo-boo Bunny!” after a fall, but usually she just hops up and continues on her path. How is it that we forget to do this when we grow up? When life knocks us down, we wallow in self-pity or just sit down and stop. Don’t do that! Think like a toddler and just get. back. up. Hugs optional.
9. Never stop exploring.
Life is one big adventure! There is so much to think and to learn. We can spend an entire lifetime exploring and never see it all! Little ones are naturally curious and they let that curiosity drive their intellect in a way that helps them to grow in leaps and bounds! They see wonder in everything. When is the last time you sat and marveled at God’s beautiful sunset or the intricacy of a tiny ladybug? Sometimes, we let that feeling of wonder subside and let the mundane sameness of life weigh us down. Don’t stop exploring! The world is a marvelous place. Try looking at life from a fresh perspective, say…the eyes of a child!
READ: 11 Surprising Chores for Toddlers
10. You always have time to stop and snuggle.
My little girl was dashing full-speed ahead with determined eyes when she suddenly veered right and flung her arms around my leg. “Mommy, hold you,” she remarked. This was her way of asking me to stop and hold her. I set down my things and lifted her up into my arms. There is nothing as sweet as baby snuggles! Some say, “stop and smell the roses,” but I say “stop and snuggle” is even better! Make time for those you love, even if it is just a moment. Be spontaneous and let your loved ones know you care. Shoot someone a text. Right now! All those little moments add up to a beautiful relationship.
Toddlers Made By God
It’s no wonder our Lord told us to become like little children. He once set a child in the midst of his followers and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”, Matthew 18:3. Sometimes, we get so caught up in teaching our kids, we forget all the marvelous lessons they are teaching US! We can learn much just from stopping and observing them.
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10:13-16
God wants us to imitate a child’s humble submission, meekness, and dependence, which is what we often take from this verse. But there is also much to be said for a little child’s single-minded focus, wonder, determination, endurance, and the spirit of never giving up. Aren’t those qualities that God commands us to have, too? And your toddler has them in spades!
READ: Who is God? Your Little One Wants to Know