Welcome to Bible songs about Rahab and the two spies sent to spy out Jericho. This amazing heroine in scripture trusted in God and knew exactly whose side she wanted to be on. All of these songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes just perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS.
NOTE: Previously, the Rahab songs were mixed into the song page about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, but I moved them here after adding a few more with the help of some new, young song writers. Jump over there for more great songs!
Rahab Songs
- God’s Side is the Winning One (Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again)
- Rahab Hid the Spies (Farmer in the Dell)
- Rahab Saved the Spies (London Bridges)
- Rahab, Rahab (Balaam Song)
- Save Us Now (Do Your Ears Hang Low)

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God’s Side is the Winning One
Tune: Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again
By Amanda Wilson
I know it, know it!
Indeed, I know it brother,
I know it, yes!
God’s side is the winning one.
We heard it, heard it,
How God dried up the water,
We heard it, yes!
God’s side is the winning one.
Tune: B-I-N-G-O
By Sharon Broome
There was a girl God used for good,
And Rahab was her name – Oh!
R-A-H-A-B, R-A-H-A-B, R-A-H-A-B,
And Rahab was her name – Oh!
Rahab Hid the Spies
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
by Amanda Wilson
Two spies went out to spy.
Two spies went out to spy.
Headed off to Jericho.
Two spies went out to spy.
Rahab hid the spies,
Rahab hid the spies,
Up on her ceiling top,
Rahab hid the spies.
I know your God is Lord,
I know your God is Lord,
Please save me when you conquer us,
I know your God is Lord.
She hung a scarlet cord,
She hung a scarlet cord,
Rahab had a heart for God,
She hung a scarlet cord.
When Jericho fell down,
When Jericho fell down,
Mighty God saved Rahab then,
When Jericho fell down.

Have you grabbed your copy of Heading into Homeschool yet?
Rahab Saved the Spies
By Zoe Bassford
Tune: London Bridges
Joshua had sent two spies,
Sent two spies, sent two spies,
Joshua had sent two spies,
To spy on Jericho.
The king found out and was very mad,
very mad, very mad,
The king found out and was very mad,
He wanted to catch them.
The king asked Rahab, “where’d they go?”
“where’d they go? where’d they go?”
The king asked Rahab, “where’d they go?”
Because he did not know.
Rahab said, “they ran away,”
“ran away, ran away,”
Rahab said, “they ran away,
You can follow that way.”
Rahab had hidden the spies,
hidden the spies, hidden the spies,
Rahab had hidden the spies,
Underneath some flax.
Rahab had saved the spies,
saved the spies, saved the spies,
Rahab had saved the spies,
She was a hero.
Rahab, Rahab
By Elli Wilson
Tune: Balaam
Rahab, Rahab, Rahab, Rahab,
Rahab hid the spies, spies, spies, spies.
Rahab, Rahab, Rahab, Rahab,
Rahab hid the spies, spies, spies, spies.
Rahab, Rahab, Rahab, Rahab,
Rahab hid the spies, spies, spies, spies.
Rahab hid the spies!
Rahab hid the spies!
Rahab helped the spies escape.
Save Us Now
Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low
By Amanda Wilson
We have heard about the Lord,
How he conquers with the sword,
He dried up the Red Sea,
And we’re all scared, even me.
He is Lord of earth and heav’n,
He has given you this land.
So please save – us – now!
Other Rahab Songs from Around the Web
- Rahab (BINGO) with additional lyrics
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.
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