Welcome to Bible songs about obedience for kids. The Bible talks a lot about the importance of learning to obey God and authorities like parents. All of these Bible songs about obedience are simple and sung to familiar tunes. They’re perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS.
Obedience Songs
- Children Obey Your Parents – Eph. 6:1 (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Children Obey Your Parents Song – Eph. 6:1 (For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow)
- If You Love Me You’ll Obey (If You’re Happy and You Know It)
- I’m Obeying God (Pop Goes the Weasel)
- O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E (traditional)
- Obey Song (Father Abraham)
- The Bible is God’s Book (Farmer in the Dell)
- This is the Reason I Obey (Mulberry Bush)
- Trust and Obey (hymn)
- We Will Listen and Obey – Deut. 5:27 (Old Macdonald)
- The Working Song (I’ve Been Working on the Railroad)
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Children Obey Your Parents – Ephesians 6:1
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Children obey your parents in the Lord,
Parents in the Lord, parents in the Lord.
Children obey your parents in the Lord,
For this is right.
Ephesians 6 and verse 1,
Verse 1, verse 1
Ephesians 6 and verse 1,
Thus says the Lord.
Children Obey Your Parents Song – Ephesians 6:1
By Connie Walters
Tune: For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
Children, obey your parents,
Children, obey your parents,
Children, obey your parents,
For this is what pleases the Lord.
Ephesians six, verse one.
Ephesians six, verse one.
Children, obey your parents,
Children, obey your parents,
Children, obey your parents,
For this is what pleases the Lord.
If You Love Me You’ll Obey
Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you love me, you’ll obey what I command.
If you love me, you’ll obey what I command.
If you love me, you’ll obey,
In every single way,
If you love me, you’ll obey what I command.
I’m Obeying God
Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel
All around the neighborhood,
I share my toys with others.
I share my toys, I share my food,
I’m obeying God.
All around my house,
I obey my mother.
Picking up toys as I’ve been told.
I’m obeying God.
All around my classroom,
I obey my teacher.
I sing and pray and listen too.
I’m obeying God.
All through the worship,
I obey my parents,
By being still and quiet too.
I’m obeying God.

Obedience – 0-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E
Tune: traditional
By Mike & Ruth Greene
Obedience is the very best way, to show that you believe.
Doing exactly what the Lord commands,
Doing it happily.
Action is the key, do it immediately.
Joy you will receive!
Obedience is the very best way, to show that you believe.
Obedience is the very best way, to show that you believe.
We want to live pure, we want to live `clean,
we want to do our best.
Sweetly submitting to authority,
leaving to God the rest.
Walking in the light, keeping our attitude right,
on the narrow way.
For if we believe the Word we receive,
we always will obey.
Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe.
Obey Song
Tune: Father Abraham
I am going to, going to obey,
Even though I don’t want to.
Jesus tells me to, so this I’ll do,
So let’s just all obey.
Right arm…(repeat & add body parts like Father Abraham song but out of order so kids have to LISTEN & OBEY)
The Bible is God’s Book
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
The Bible is God’s Book,
His words are there you see.
It is the way He talks to you,
The way He talks to me.
Obey, obey, obey.
The Bible says obey.
So I will do the things God says,
Every single day.
This is the Reason I Obey
Tune: Mulberry Bush
This is the reason I obey,
I obey, I obey.
This is the reason I obey.
To show my love for the Lord.
I’ll trust my Lord and follow him,
follow him, follow him,
I’ll trust my Lord and follow him,
I’m happy to obey.

Trust and Obey
By John H. Sammis, Public Domain
When we walk with the Lord
In the light of His word
What a glory He sheds on our way
While we do His good will
He abides with us still
And with all who will trust and obey
Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey.
We Will Listen and Obey – Deut. 5:27
Tune: Old MacDonald
We will listen and obey,
Yes, Lord! Yes, we will.
We will listen and obey,
Yes, Lord, yes, we will.
With a yes, Lord here, and a yes, Lord there,
Here a yes, there a yes, everywhere a yes! Yes!
We will listen and obey,
Yes, Lord! Yes, we will!
*Note: You can modify this song and sing “Yes, sir” and “Yes, ma’am” when teaching about obeying parents and earthly authorities.
The Working Song
Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
I’ve been working in the kitchen,
Working for the Lord.
I’ve been helping out my mother,
And obeying every word.
When she calls me, I come quickly,
Work with a happy heart.
And when God calls, I will listen,
And I’ll do my best.
I will do my best, I will do my best,
I will do my best for God each day.
I will do my best, I will do my best,
I will do my best for God.
*Substitute word “kitchen” for other places like garden, bedroom, etc. and substitute mother for father.
Other Obedience Songs
- Quickly I’ll Obey (Russian Folk Tune)
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.