
9 Surprising Places to Buy Homeschool Curriculum on a Budget

buy homeschool curriculum on budget

Where to buy homeschool curriculum for anyone on a budget.

Okay, y’all!  I admit it – I am the ultimate bargain shopper!  As a one-income family, I’m that mom scoping out the clearance rack or combing through the second-hand stores to see what treasures I can find!  And when it comes time to buy homeschool curriculum and books, it’s no different. Right away our first year homeschooling, I found out that the cost of all those homeschool books can really add up! Whew!

I knew there had to be a used market to buy homeschool curriculum – but where?

So, in this post I’m sharing nine surprising places where I find the best budget deals to buy homeschool curriculum and books on the cheap!  If you know where to look, you can find many books used or discounted and save a ton on homeschool materials each year! That’s a win!

1. Direct from Publisher Online

Once you determine which textbooks and materials you need, you can often simply buy homeschool curriculum by going to the publisher’s website.  Watch for sales and free shipping events!  Another way to score big discounts is to buy the old version when publishers reformat to redo their content. Often, the new materials are only minimally changed – like adding color or updating online links.  You can save big by using older versions that publishers are trying to eliminate from their warehouses! Or, look for coupons like this incredible $100 off from All About Learning Press. I’m thrilled to be an affiliate for this amazing company because I use their products every year. Yep, they’re my top pick for spelling – check them out!

$100 Gift Certificate  Giveaways

2. Amazon

Amazon is my number one go-to place! Yes, you can even buy homeschool curriculum on Amazon, including prominent publishers and textbooks.  You can often find them used on Amazon, as well, if you’re a budget shopper like me.  Once you determine what you need, just do a search, and see if it is listed. 

>>>READ: Where to Find FREE Homeschool Curriculum Online

3. Ebay & Mercari

There is a robust and healthy online market of used homeschool curricula.  Places like Ebay and other secondhand online marketplaces like Mercari are a fabulous source for selling your old homeschool curriculum and purchasing used resources.  In fact, when I’m searching for used homeschool curriculum, I pretty much always start by searching Ebay and Amazon to get a base line of what used homeschool curriculum is available and the going rates. Sometimes you can snag a really great deal!

4. Facebook Groups & Marketplace

There are many Facebook groups dedicated to buying and selling used homeschool curricula, too.  You can often find local homeschool groups or pay for someone to ship materials you need.  If you haven’t joined any homeschool buy and sell groups, it usually is worth it to do so.   Do a Facebook search and join a few if you are interested!  Don’t forget to also check Facebook Marketplace for local offers to buy homeschool curriculum.  Especially if you live in a community with a large homeschooling population, you might just find what you need and be able to pick it up the same afternoon!

5. Homeschool Stores

You may be fortunate to live near a brick-and-mortar homeschool store.  It’s worth it to check. There is one in Houston, Texas called The Homeschool Store that draws people from all over.  It carries new books from all the major publishers as well as a large used section where parents can buy and sell.  If you are passing through, schedule some time to page through different curricula and consider options.

>>> READ: Outsource your Homeschool Math

6. Mardel Christian Bookstore

If you live nearby a Mardel, they often carry many of the major homeschool publishers where it can be helpful to look at the materials before purchasing.  You can also buy homeschool curriculum through them online, too.

7. Homeschool Classifieds

You can both sell and buy homeschool curriculum used or new previously owned materials on the website Homeschool Classifieds, too.  This website is a market site specific to homeschool families.

8. Homeschool Co-ops

If you participate in a homeschool co-op, some groups have a used homeschool curriculum trading system or opportunities to sell and buy homeschool curriculum within the co-op.   It’s always nice to buy from someone you know and be able to look at the materials before purchase. Sometimes, veteran homeschool moms are even giving away old curriculum for free. Score!

9. Book Vendors

In addition to Amazon, I’ve also had good luck buying homeschool curriculum, especially trade books, with other online vendors such as Abe Books, Thriftbooks, or even the big retailers like Walmart or Target.  Just type the title of the book into your Google search, hit the shopping tab, and see who has the best price!  You might be surprised!

buy homeschool curriculum

There is usually a bargain to be found if you know where to look!  So use these nine surprising places to buy homeschool curriculum next time you are shopping for materials!

Where to buy homeschool curriculum?

  • Direct from Publisher
  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Facebook
  • Homeschool Stores
  • Mardel
  • Homeschool Classifieds
  • Homeschool Co-ops
  • Book Vendors Online

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