Are you hunting for Bible class materials and printables to use to teach about King Ahab and Naboth’s vineyard?
We have been studying about the prophet Elijah and King Ahab this week in my kindergarten Bible class as part of our quarter on the Divided Kingdom. I couldn’t find just exactly what I wanted to teach the lesson, so I decided to create some printables with the help of one of my favorite illustrators, Richard Gunther. He makes the cutest, kid-friendly drawings and offers them for free! I used his work to make several printables for our King Ahab and Elijah Bible class.
1. King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard Story Book
Using Gunther’s images, I added text to create a kindergarten-appropriate Bible story about King Ahab and Naboth’s vineyard. This Bible story is found in 1 Kings 21.
King Ahab sees a vineyard that belongs to Naboth and assumes he can simply take it because he is the king. Naboth, however, refuses to sell the vineyard as it his inheritance from his parents. The scriptures say that King Ahab returns to his home “vexed and sullen”. Aka, in kid language – pouting. Then he threw himself on his bed and refused to eat.

Well, I absolutely love teaching this part of the story to kindergarteners because pouting when you don’t get your way is such a 5-year-old thing to do. We put on our best pouty faces and imitated King Ahab, of course.
When his wife Jezebel came in, she questioned what was going on and told him to cheer up because she planned to get him the vineyard. Of course, being evil, she hatched an evil plan. She gets some men to lie and accuse Naboth and then they took the poor guy outside and stoned him to death.

When Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, he hurried to claim the vineyard.
But God saw what had happened, too. Oooh! What a great way to teach children that God sees and knows everything. Yep, he saw the injustice as well as the wickedness of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab.
Then, God sent his mighty prophet Elijah to confront Ahab…and to make a gruesome prophecy. He prophesied that Ahab would die and that dogs would lick up his blood. Guess where? In Naboth’s vineyard.
And Jezebel wasn’t to be forgotten! God prophesied that she would be eaten by dogs for her treachery.

Wait! Is this too horrific and frightening for kindergarteners?
I don’t think it has to be. Much depends on the way you tell the story and the emphasis you give to each part.
Learning that God always keeps his promises and that God always punishes the wicked are very important lessons to teach young children. The story of King Ahab and Naboth’s vineyard does just that. It is good for young children to learn that behavior has consequences and that God judges the wicked.
2. King Ahab and Naboth Lesson activities
So after we read the Bible story, we played several little games to review comprehension.

King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard Guess Who?
This simple Guess Who activity helped the kids identify and review the major Bible characters in the story: King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and Elijah. I created a list of clues and read them aloud. Clues like, “This was the wicked king of Israel” and the kids simply had to point to the right character. They loved it! It was a good review and a simple way for everyone in the class to participate – even kids who are non-verbal.
You can download the free Guess Who printable. Just scroll all the way to the bottom and look for the download button.

King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard Story Sequence Activity
A great way to talk through the Bible story and check for comprehension is to ask students to sequence the events in the Bible lesson. For kindergarten, I wanted to keep it simple. So, I boiled the story down to six basic events. I read the events aloud and kids had to choose the pictures that matched then place them in order. We chatted as we did the activity and it helped them review and learn the events of the story.
You could use this printable as a cut and paste activity. However, I decided to laminate it to reuse again next year with a new crop of kids. After laminating, I just added a plastic baggie onto the back to hold the pieces.
3. Acting Out 1 Kings 21
Next, we acted out the story. Kids love to act out Bible stories – and this is a really fun one to act out. It doesn’t have to be complicated. First, we made our rug the vineyard then assigned characters. We keep a stash of simple Bible character costumes in the classroom for just this purpose.
- King Ahab
- Queen Jezebel
- Naboth
- Two attackers (or more)
- Elijah
Any additional kids can be more attackers or palace officials. Or, you can act out the story twice and switch around the roles.
You, as the teacher, narrate the events (retell the story orally) and the kids act out the story while you talk. Some kids like to chime in with a line or repeat after you like, “Give me the vineyard!” and “No!” which is great.
4. King Ahab Poochie Lip Disease Song
Since kindergarteners are not likely to commit murder, I decided to focus more on King Ahab’s pouting attitude. Pouting is something little ones understand – and struggle with in their day to day lives. All kids want what they want and get upset when they can’t get it.
Pouting is perfectly normal behavior in a child, but something they must be taught is not appropriate. After all, King Ahab’s story shows us how pouting, when not checked, can lead to even more impactful sins like lying and murder. And King Ahab was, after all, acting like a child.
I remembered a little song I learned many, many years ago about King Ahab called “The Poochie Lip Disease”. I don’t know who wrote the song or where it was originally recorded, but I know it’s been around for years. It is so catchy and cute!
So, I asked my little daughters to help me make a recording of it, so you can learn it, too. Keep scrolling to see the lyrics.
The Poochie Lip Disease
King Ahab went a-walking
In royal garments grand
And saw a lovely vineyard
While gazing o’er the land.
He said, “I’ve got to have it!
I always get my way!”
But when he could not get it,
he pouted all the day.
The poochie lip will get you
if you don’t watch out!
The poochie lip will get you
if you start to pout!
So take this little tip:
Please control that lower lip!
And chase away the poochie lip disease!
The king went to his bedroom
He looked so sad and blue.
He slammed the door behind him
And loudly cried boo-hoo.
He said nobody loves me
And fell down on his bed.
If I can’t have the vineyard
I won’t eat any bread.
Repeat chorus
We sang The Poochie Lip Disease song in Bible class and the kids thought it was hilarious! Having lots of fun, it also drove home the point that we shouldn’t pout when we don’t get what we want.
I’m hoping this song and Bible story about King Ahab sticks!

Would you like to use the printables I created?
Download all 3 resources:
- King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard Story Book
- King Ahab Story Sequence Activity
- King Ahab Guess Who? Character Review Game
Don’t forget you can also download the original images from to create your own amazing resources, too!
Want more resources to teach about the Divided Kingdom?

The Kings of Judah Song and Activity Set
Learn all about the Kings of Judah in the Divided Kingdom in the Bible! There are 19 kings + 1 queen in Judah and keeping them straight can be a big challenge, especially for kids. This bright, colorful, kid-friendly set will help you teach the Kings of Judah in a fun, engaging, and memorable way in Bible class, Sunday school, Christian classrooms, or home.

I Have Who Has? Bible Characters Cards – Old Testament
Practice reading, speaking, listening, and…Bible! This super fun and engaging activity can be played as a whole class (up to 24 students) or in small groups of at least 2 players, too. Students read the cards aloud in a looping activity that will challenge and engage your whole group of learners – all while reviewing Old Testament Bible characters in a way that will concrete their Bible knowledge! An excellent religion resource for classroom use, Bible class, Sunday school, homeschool, or home use.