Welcome to Bible songs for kids about Jesus’ miracles of healing! These simple miracles of healing songs are set to familiar tunes so you can sing them easily in Bible class, Sunday school, church, VBS, or at home with your own kids. There are so many songs about the miracles of Jesus that I split the songs into 3 different posts: miracles of healing, miracles with water, and miracles with bread. Check back next week for the next set!
Jesus’ Miracles of Healing Songs
- Jesus Could Do Miracles (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Jesus Healed the Sick (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
- Jesus Helped the Sick (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
- The Blind Man (Jimmy Crack Corn)
- The Paralyzed Man (Hush, Little Baby)
- The 10 Lepers (10 Little Indians)
- Healing the Lepers (Glory, Glory Hallelujah)
- The Centurion’s Servant (Battle Hymn of the Republic)
- A Centurion Came to Jesus (Battle Hymn of the Republic)
- Lazarus is Alive (Reuben, Reuben)
- When Lazarus Died (Jimmy Crack Corn)
>>> Looking for other miracles of Jesus? Check out these songs about his miracles with bread and miracles with water.

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Jesus Could Do Miracles
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Jesus could do miracles,
Miracles, miracles.
Jesus could do miracles,
Because He was God’s Son.
He stopped the storm and healed the sick,
Healed the sick, healed the sick
He stopped the storm and healed the sick,
And made a dead girl live!
Jesus Healed the Sick
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Jesus healed the sick,
He healed the blind and deaf.
Jesus is the Son of God,
He is a special friend.
Jesus Helped the Sick
Tune: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Jesus helped the sick and helpless
The blind and those who could not hear.
Healed and helped them, kind was He.
Made them walk and hear and see.
Truly He was God’s own Son we can see.

The Blind Man
Tune: Jimmy Crack Corn
There was a man who could not see,
Disciples asked, “Why should it be?”
Jesus said, “Watch and see,
A miracle of God.”
Onto his eyes, Jesus put clay,
He said, “Go wash them right away.”
The man went quickly to obey,
And Jesus healed his eyes.
The Paralyzed Man
Tune: Hush, Little Baby
A sick man’s friends said,
“We know how you feel.
We’ll take you to Jesus, for He can heal.
If you can’t walk,
We’ll carry you instead.
We’ll take you there on your very own bed.
If we can’t get to Him on the ground,
We’ll take you to the rooftop and let you down!
And He will heal and forgive your sin,
So you can stand up and walk again.”
And that’s what they did,
Jesus healed the man.
He stood and thanked God,
Then home he ran.
The Ten Lepers
Tune: Ten Little Indians
One sick, two sick, three sick lepers,
Four sick, five sick, six sick lepers,
Seven sick, eight sick, nine sick lepers,
Ten lepers Jesus healed.
Ten healed, nine healed, eight healed lepers,
Seven healed, six healed, five healed lepers.
Four healed, three healed, two healed lepers,
Only one returned to say, “Thank You!”
Healing the Lepers
Tune: Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Jesus went into a village and there He met 10 men,
Jesus went into a village and there He met 10 men,
Jesus went into a village and there He met 10 men,
They were lepers, oh, how sad!
Jesus, Jesus, the He healed them,
Jesus, Jesus, the He healed them,
Jesus, Jesus, the He healed them,
He was so kind and good!
Christ healed all the lepers and 9 went on their way.
Christ healed all the lepers and 9 went on their way.
Christ healed all the lepers and 9 went on their way.
Only 1 gave thanks to Him.
(sing chorus)
Oh, we must always be like the one who gave him thanks.
Oh, we must always be like the one who gave him thanks.
Oh, we must always be like the one who gave him thanks.
And never like the nine.
(sing chorus)

The Centurion’s Servant
Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Once there was a servant
who was very, very sick.
Once there was a servant
who was very, very sick.
Once there was a servant
who was very, very sick.
He felt so very bad.
The soldier said to Jesus,
“Won’t you make my servant well?”
The soldier said to Jesus,
“Won’t you make my servant well?”
The soldier said to Jesus,
“Won’t you make my servant well?”
“For he is very sick?”
Jesus, Jesus, oh He healed him!
Jesus, Jesus, oh He healed him!
Jesus, Jesus, oh He healed him!
He made the servant well.
A Centurion Came to Jesus
Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic
A centurion came to Jesus,
He was very, very sad.
A centurion came to Jesus,
He was very, very sad.
A centurion came to Jesus,
He was very, very sad.
He said, “My servant’s sick.”
Jesus said, “I’ll come and heal him,”
The centurion told him no.
Jesus said, “I’ll come and heal him,”
The centurion told him no.
Jesus said, “I’ll come and heal him,”
The centurion told him no.
I’m not worthy enough for that.
“I know you can heal my servant
without coming to my house.”
“I know you can heal my servant
without coming to my house.”
“I know you can heal my servant
without coming to my house.”
The centurion said that day.
Oh, what faith he had in Jesus.
Oh, what faith he had in Jesus.
Oh, what faith he had in Jesus.
Do I have faith like that?
Lazarus is Alive
By Connie Walters
Tune: Reuben, Reuben
Jesus, Jesus, hurry! Hurry!
Your good friend is very sick.
If you get there, you can heal him,
But you must be very quick.
Master, Master, Martha greeted,
It’s too late for he has died.
Martha, Martha, do not worry,
I tell you that he will rise.
Come forth, Lazarus, Jesus cried out,
As the tears fell from his eyes,
See how very much he loves him,
Lazarus is now alive.
When Lazarus Died (God is Glorified)
By Connie Walters
Tune: Jimmy Crack Corn
Mary cried when Lazarus died,
Mary cried when Lazarus died,
Mary cried when Lazarus died,
She said please tell me why.
Martha cried when Lazarus died,
Martha cried when Lazarus died,
Martha cried when Lazarus died,
Dear Lord, oh why, oh why?
Jesus came when Lazarus died,
Jesus came when Lazarus died,
Jesus came when Lazarus died,
He said, I’ll show you why.
Come forth Lazarus, now arise!
Come forth Lazarus, now arise!
Come forth Lazarus, now arise!
Lazarus stepped outside.
He was died, now he’s alive.
He was died, now he’s alive.
He was died, now he’s alive.
God is glorified.
>>> Jump to Old Testament Bible Songs for Kids
More Songs about Jesus’ Miracles of Healing from Around the Web
- Blind Bartimaeus (Did You Think to Pray?)
- The Ten Lepers (Faith of Our Fathers)
- Jesus Healed at Bethesda (Tell It To Jesus)
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.
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