Trying to talk to kids about Coronavirus can be more than a little daunting. “How come we can’t go to school? When are we going to see Grandma? You mean I can’t play with my friends? Why does everyone have to wear a mask?”
These are super challenging times for many parents. With so much uncertainty and stress, it can be really tough to know how to talk to your kids about Coronavirus.
Related: If You are a Mom, You are a Teacher: Learning to Homeschool During COVID-19
But these are challenging times for kids, too! Many children struggle with even minor changes in their routines, and lately they have endured huge, major shake-ups! Your kids may feel true, strong grief over the loss of friendships or loss of a favorite teacher and school. It can be difficult for everyone in the family to adjust to the new norm!
When kids are struggling and parents are stressed, it can be a recipe for disaster.

How Can You talk to Your Kids About CoronaVirus?
1. Start the Coronavirus Conversation
Start by having a conversation with your kids about what has changed in their world. What do they miss? Is anything bothering them? Is there something that doesn’t make sense? What are some hidden blessings to the new norm that they actually like? What is upsetting?
2. Listen
After asking open-ended questions, just listen. Let your kids talk about how they are processing all of the changes and how they feel. Yes, of course, there are others going through even harder times, but let them pour out all their thoughts of what they uniquely are going through in this trial without minimizing their concerns.
3. Validate their Feelings
Validate each and every thought your child says. The big, the bad, the small, the scary. As they pour it out, nod and affirm. “Yes, that is scary.” “I’m sure that must be difficult.” “I bet you do miss that a lot.” A little empathy goes a long way in helping your child feel heard and supported. Remember that their little issues may seem small to you, but you are helping them lay a foundation for how to handle adversity and challenges in their future. What a great opportunity!
Related: Should I Homeschool? 10 Key Questions to Help You Decide?

4. Remember God
They need to hear that they are STRONG because God is stronger! They need to know that God’s got this! Remind them of his power and providence. Remind them that God will not give them more than they can bear. Tell them the story of Joseph and how God cared for him and loved him despite all of the bad things that happened to him (and there was a LOT!). Kids can feel lost when their world gets chaotic. Knowing a strong, providential God has it all under control is an anchor in a time of storm!
5. Encourage Others!
Little children posses a special talent to bring joy into the lives of others. And one of the best ways to deal with difficult times is to learn to think beyond your own self with eyes of compassion for those around you. What can your child do to spread joy and encouragement to others during this challenging time of uncertainty? What might others be enduring – and how could we possibly help? Here’s some things we’ve tried in our home:
- send a card to someone who is sick or lonely
- make a silly video to send someone
- call a relative
- Send a text (or a photo) to a neighbor
- call an elderly person
- color a picture and mail it
- bake cupcakes and drop them on someone’s front porch
- Make some art and tape it to a friend’s front door

6. Teach Him to Pray
Besides having an open, honest conversation with you, your child needs the comfort of knowing he gets to have the awesome privilege of taking his fears and worries directly to the one who is in control. And God hears! As you end your Coronavirus conversation with your kids, help them take it to God in prayer. Praise God for his power and wisdom! Praise him for the unexpected blessings and ask for his healing and resolution to their small concerns. You want your kids to know God really hears and answers, no matter how small – or big! – the problem.
- Praise God for his wisdom
- Pray for your friends
- Thank God for extra quiet time and family time
- Pray for those suffering from Corona Virus
- Ask God to comfort those who are grieving
- Pray for the lonely
- Ask God’s wisdom for our president and other leaders
- Pray for small businesses and their families
- Ask for healing for our nation

CoronaVirus Book for Kids
When I sat down to talk to my 5 year old, she wanted to process her thoughts by making a little book – one of her most favorite things to do! So together, we popped open the computer and wrote a short, little story about what we can do during Coronavirus. You can grab a FREE copy below…or write your own!
This simple easy-to-read book for beginning readers explains what we CAN do during COVID-19. It follows a simple pattern of “I can…” to explain that we can stay home, wash hands, and help others by doing simple things!
It comes in full pages and mini-book (4-to-a-page) size. You can print it black & white as a coloring book or full color. Pages are not numbered so you may choose to remove any pages that you don’t want to include. Did I mentioned it’s free?
It also has suggestions such as, “I can pray for the sick” and “I can send cards” to help children see that there are things they can do, too! It was a great way to have a simple Coronavirus conversation with my little daughter and I hope it is helpful to you as well.
No matter how you choose to do it, start the conversation with your kids today. Check on their concerns, listen, validate, empathize, help them look beyond themselves to others and to our great God who has this all under control.

Click HERE for your free copy of “Bye Corona Virus”. A Beginning Reader book to spark conversation between parents and kids!
I’d love for your to join me on your teaching and mothering journey! Let’s stay connected.