Welcome to Bible songs for kids that teach the days of Creation! This collection of kids’ Bible class songs about creation are sung to simple, familiar tunes to teach the Days of Creation.
Days of Creation Songs
- Day 1 Day 1
- Creation Lullaby (Brahhm’s Lullaby)
- God Created (Michael, Row the Boat Ashore)
- He Did It In Six Days (The Wise Man Built His House)
- He Made the Whole World in 6 Days (He’s Got the Whole World)
- Did You Know God Made the Light? (If You’re Happy and You Know It)
- It Was Good (Are You Sleeping?)
- God Took Seven Days (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
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Day 1, Day 1
Note: there are many variations of this song
Day 1, Day 1,
God made light when there was none.
Day 1, Day 1,
God made light when there was none.
Day 2, Day 2,
God made skies and the water so blue.
Day 2, Day 2,
God made skies and the water so blue.
Day 3, Day 3,
God made land and plants and trees.
Day 3, Day 3,
God made land and plants and trees.
Day 4, Day 4,
God made the sun and moon and stars galore.
Day 4, Day 4,
God made the sun and moon and stars galore.
Day 5, Day 5,
God made fish and birds that fly.
Day 5, Day 5,
God made fish and birds that fly.
Day 6, Day 6,
Man and animals in the mix.
Day 6, Day 6,
Man and animals in the mix.
Day 7, Day 7,
God rested up in His Heaven.
Day 7, Day 7, God rested up in His Heaven.
Creation Lullaby
Tune: Brahm’s Lullaby
Day one, night and day,
Day two, sky and water,
Day three, plants and land.
Day four, sun, moon, and stars,
Day five, birds and fish,
Day six, animals and man,
Day seven, God rested,
That’s how the world began.

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God Created
Tune: Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
God created heav’n and earth, alleluia!
God created heav’n and earth, alleluia!
God created dark and light, alleluia!
Light of day and dark of night alleluia!
God created sky and seas, alleluia!
And the earth with flowers and trees, alleluia!
God created moon and sun, alleluia!
And the stars when day is done, alleluia!
God created birds and fish, alleluia!
Every kind that you could wish, alleluia!
God created animals, alleluia!
Birds so strong, giraffes so tall, alleluia!
God made man and woman too, alleluia!
Then He told them what to do, alleluia!
He Did It in Six Days
Tune: The Wise Man Built His House
God created earth and sky and sea,
God created the tulip and the tree.
God created people just like me,
And He did it in six days!
God created animals, too,
Lions and tiger, bear and kangaroo,
Created people just like you,
And He did it in six days.
He Made the Whole World in Six Days
Tune: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
By Joyce Hansen
On the 1st day, God made day and night,
On the 1st day, God made day and night,
On the 1st day, God made day and night,
He made the whole world in six days.
Repeat with the following:
On the 2nd day, He made earth and sky…
On the 3rd day, He made flowers and trees…
On the 4th day, He made sun, moon, and stars…
On the 5th day, He made birds and fish…
On the 6th day, He made animals and people…
On the 7th day, God took a rest…

Did You Know God Made the Light?
Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
Did you know God made the light,
He made the light?
Did you know God made the light,
He made the light?
So look around and you can see,
What He’s made for you and me,
Did you know God made the light,
He made the light?
Repeat with the following:
2. Did you know God made the sky and the seas?
3. Did you know God made the plants and flowers and trees?
4. Did you know God made the sun, the moon, the stars?
5. Did you know God made the fish, He made the fish?
6. Did you know God made the birds, He made the birds?
7. Did you know God made the animals great and small?
8. Did you know God made the people, Adam and Eve?
9. Did you know God made the world, He made the world?
It Was Good
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
God created, God created,
Night and day, night and day,
That was on the 1st day, that was on the 1st day,
It was good, it was good.
God created, God created,
Sky and clouds, sky and clouds,
That was on the 2nd day, that was on the 2nd day,
It was good, it was good.
God created, God created,
Land and plants, Land and plants,
That was on the 3rd day, that was on the 3rd day,
It was good, it was good.
God created, God created,
Sun, moon, and stars, Sun, moon, and stars,
That was on the 4th day, that was on the 4th day,
It was good, it was good.
God created, God created,
Birds and fish, birds and fish.
That was on the 5th day, that was on the 5th day,
It was good, it was good.
God created, God created,
Creatures on land! People too!
That was on the 6th day, that was on the 6th day,
It was good, it was good.
Then God rested, then God rested
From His work, from His work.
That was on the 7th day, that was on the 7th day,
All was good, All was good.
Let’s sing praises! Let’s sing praises!
To our God, to our God!
Everywhere, everyday, everywhere, everyday,
God is good. God is good.
God Took Seven Days
Tune: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Copyrighted by Aleta Walker Samford, used by permission
Do you know about creation?
How God said that is was good?
God just spoke and it was done!
Night and day came on day one.
God took one, two, three, four, five, six, seven days.
On day two, God made the heavens.
Earth and water on day three.
Then, remember, on day four,
Sun and moon and stars galore.
God took one, two, three, four, five, six, seven days.
Birds and fish were seen on day five.
Man and animals, day six.
The our God, who did his best,
On day seven took a rest.
God took one, two, three, four, five, six, seven days.
*** This song and others are part of the book Sing With Me the Story, available for purchase.
Links to other Creation Songs:
- Perpetual Preschool Creation Songs
- Days of Creation Song
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from this site. To God be the glory!
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