Mom Guilt? No Need for That
Feeling mom-guilt today? Galatians 5 says to keep in step with the Spirit. This ones for you…
Feeling mom-guilt today? Galatians 5 says to keep in step with the Spirit. This ones for you…
Simple songs about the last week of Jesus for teaching kids’ Bible class. Set to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Let’s sing about Jesus! Simple children’s songs to familiar tunes for use at church, Sunday School, VBS, or home.
Bible songs for kids about the teachings of Jesus. Simple songs to familiar tunes for use at church or home. The beatitudes, giving, prayer, and more.
Bible songs about the Parables of Jesus sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home. The Good Samaritan, the Sower, the lost sheep, and more!
Bible songs about Jesus feeding the 5,000 with loaves & fish. Simple children’s songs to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Bible songs about Jesus walking on water, calming sea, and more water miracles. Simple songs to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Bible Songs for kids about Jesus’ miracles of healing the sick, the lame, the blind, and raising Lazarus. Simple & set to familiar tunes.
Simple Bible songs about friends of Jesus like Lazarus, Mary and Martha, Nicodemus, Zacchaeus and more! Sung to familiar tunes.
Good manners are not taught by accident; they are learned. 7 steps to teach your young child manners early in life.