Bible Songs about Light – Bible Songs for Kids
Bible songs about shining our light for Jesus. Simple children’s songs sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Bible songs about shining our light for Jesus. Simple children’s songs sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Wiggly action songs for teaching kids’ Bible class. Simple kid’s songs to familiar tunes for use at church or home to get the wiggles out!
While there are arguably many advantages to homeschooling, it’s wise to also consider the disadvantages of homeschooling before you take the plunge and dive in. Homeschooling isn’t always roses and sunshine. In fact, I’m here to testify that it’s pretty tough. In all honesty, it just might be one of the hardest things you ever …
9 Disadvantages of Homeschooling to Know Before You Start Read More »
Fruit of the Spirit songs for teaching kids’ Bible class. Simple children’s songs sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
So you’re listening to her struggle to read with a smile plastered on your face, nodding and encouraging while she painfully sounds out each small single sound. By the end of the word, though, she has no idea what word she just said. She even stumbled over the sight words you just practiced. You sigh, …
Reading Struggles: A Mom’s Guide to When to Worry Read More »
Bible songs about joy for teaching kids’ Bible class. Simple children’s songs sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
Songs about God’s love for teaching kids’ Bible class. Simple children’s songs and familiar hymns for use at church or home.
1. The gift of time together 2. Flexible priorities 3. Flexible academics 4. Flexible schedule 5. Flexible opportunities 6. Faith & Family
Songs to teach children about kindness. Ten simple children’s songs sung to familiar tunes for use at church or home.
A super simple form I’ve used with my kids to help them set simple, actionable, spiritually-focused New Year’s goals. Free download.