Role of parent in homeschooling

What is the Parent’s Role in Homeschooling?

What exactly is the role of a homeschool parent?  If you’re new to home education, you might be wondering what exactly you should be doing as the homeschool parent.  It boils down to 5 simple roles: Is homeschooling only done by parents? Moms are generally the primary homeschool teacher.  However, in some families the dad …

What is the Parent’s Role in Homeschooling? Read More »

buy homeschool curriculum on budget

9 Surprising Places to Buy Homeschool Curriculum on a Budget

Where to buy homeschool curriculum for anyone on a budget. Okay, y’all!  I admit it – I am the ultimate bargain shopper!  As a one-income family, I’m that mom scoping out the clearance rack or combing through the second-hand stores to see what treasures I can find!  And when it comes time to buy homeschool …

9 Surprising Places to Buy Homeschool Curriculum on a Budget Read More »