Welcome to Bible songs for kids about the last week of Jesus! These songs teach about Jesus entering Jerusalem, cleansing the temple, washing the feet of the disciples, the Garden of Gethsemane, and wicked Judas. All of these songs are simple and set to familiar tunes making them perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS. Let’s sing!
Last Week of Jesus Songs
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Three Blind Mice)
- Triumphal Entry (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee)
- Cleansing the Temple (Three Blind Mice)
- Jesus Washed His Followers Feet (London Bridges)
- Ankles, Arches, Souls, and Toes (Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes)
- Life of Jesus (Where is Thumbkin)
- Jesus Went to the Garden (The Bear Went Over the Mountain)
- Are You Sleeping Andrew, Peter, James, and John? (Are You Sleeping)
- Wicked Judas (Are You Sleeping)
- The Last Week of Jesus (My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
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Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Tune: Three Blind Mice
Here Jesus come, Here Jesus comes,
Let’s praise Him! Let’s praise Him!
Wave our branches and sing, o sing!
Hosanna to the king of Kings!
Let’s praise Jesus. Let’s praise Jesus.
Jesus – Triumphal Entry
Tune: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Jesus riding on a young colt
which no man had ridden yet,
Rode into Jerusalem.
Adoration he would get.
Let’s prepare the way for Jesus,
Put our garments on the ground.
Cut the branches, wave them, we will
Make for Him a joyful sound.
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna,
Blessed is the One who comes
In the name of our great Lord
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed be the kingdom of David
Blessed is He who comes today.
Children bless Him, all sing praises
Sing Hosanna all the way.
Cleansing the Temple
Tune: Three Blind Mice
Leave God’s house!
Leave God’s house!
Take the animals out!
Take the animals out!
Don’t use God’s house for a market place.
My Father’s house is a house of prayer,
And there should be peace and quiet there.
Don’t you know that?
Don’t you know that?
Jesus Washed His Followers’ Feet
Tune: London Bridges
Jesus washed his followers’ feet,
followers’ feet, followers’ feet.
Jesus washed his followers’ feet,
To teach them how to serve.
Ankles, Arches, Soles and Toes
Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Ankles, arches, soles and toes (soles and toes)
Ankles, arches, soles and toes (soles and toes)
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet
Ankles, arches, soles and toes (soles and toes)
He took a towel and filled a bowl (filled a bowl)
He took a towel and filled a bowl (filled a bowl)
Washed and dried each and every toe
He took a towel and filled a bowl (filled a bowl)
He served so they would serve each other (serve each other)
He served so they would serve each other (serve each other)
That was the point of Jesus washing feet
He served so they would serve each other (serve each other)

Life of Jesus
Tune: Where is Thumbkin?
Baby Jesus, Baby Jesus,
Where is He? Where is He?
Lying in a manger, lying in a manger,
Fast asleep, fast asleep.
Little boy Jesus, Little boy Jesus,
Where is He? Where is He?
Teaching in the Temple,
Teaching in the temple,
Faithfully, faithfully.
Grownup Jesus, Grownup Jesus,
Where is He? Where is He?
Healing the sick people,
Healing the sick people,
They can see! They can see!
Grownup Jesus, Grownup Jesus,
Where is He? Where is He?
Preaching to the people,
Preaching to the people,
Come to Me! Come to Me!
Where is Jesus? Where is Jesus?
Where is He? Where is He?
Praying in the Garden, praying in the Garden,
Sad is He, Sad is He.
Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus,
Where is He? Where is He?
Hanging on a cross, hanging on a cross,
Died for me, died for me.
Where is Jesus? Where is Jesus?
Where is He? Where is He?
Living up in Heaven, living up in Heaven,
He loves me! He loves me!
Jesus Went to the Garden
Tune: The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Jesus went to the garden
Jesus went to the garden
Jesus went to the garden
To pray for help from God.
Jesus felt very burdened
Jesus felt very burdened
Jesus felt very burdened
He needed to be brave.
He prayed, “Let’s do it your way”,
He prayed, “Let’s do it your way”,
He prayed, “Let’s do it your way”,
He knew God’s way was best.
God comforted him with angels
God comforted him with angels
God comforted him with angels
And helped him to be strong

Are You Sleeping Andrew, Peter, James & John?
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping
Andrew, Peter, James & John?
Please be praying for me,
Please be praying for me,
Don’t fall asleep,
Don’t fall asleep.
Wicked Judas
Copyrighted by Aleta Walker Samford, used by permission
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
Wicked Judas, wicked Judas,
Gave our Lord, gave our Lord,
For a little silver, for a little silver,
Oh, how bad! Oh, how bad!
Wicked Judas, wicked Judas,
Kissed our Lord, kissed our Lord,
So bad men could take him,
So bad men could take him,
Oh, how bad! Oh, how bad!
Wicked Judas, wicked Judas,
Killed himself, killed himself,
Judas took his own life,
Judas took his own life,
Oh, how bad! Oh, how bad!
*** This song and others are part of the book Sing With Me the Story, available for purchase.
The Last Week of Jesus
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
By Amanda Wilson
On Sunday, Christ entered Jerusalem,
On Monday, the temple he cleansed.
On Tuesday, he preached to the people,
On Wednesday, he stayed with some friends.
Jesus, Jesus, my Savior, my King,
and my dearest friend!
Jesus, Jesus, my Savior, my King,
and my friend!
On Thursday, Christ washed the feet,
Then celebrated Passover, too.
Next, he was off to the Garden,
So sad and distressed through and through.
On Friday, our Jesus was crucified,
On Saturday, he stayed in the tomb,
On Sunday, he rose up with power,
Breaking the darkness and gloom.
Other Last Week of Jesus Songs
- Jesus’ Last Days (Where the Gates Swing Outward Never)
- Hey-ho, There He Goes – Jesus on a Donkey
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.