Welcome to Bible songs for kids about the Twelve Apostles! These fun, simple songs set to familiar tunes will help children memorize the Twelve Disciples and learn about how Jesus called them. There’s even a song about Jesus’ transfiguration. These Twelve Apostles songs are perfect for use at home, church, Bible class, VBS, and Sunday school, too!
Twelve Apostles Songs
- The Twelve Disciples (Bringing in the Sheaves)
- The Apostles Song (Jesus Loves Me)
- The Twelve Apostles (Reuben, Reuben)
- Fishers of Men (The Old Grey Mare)
- Fishermen (This Old Man)
- Great Fisherman (Farmer in the Dell)
- Jesus Calls Matthew (I’ve Been Working on the Railroad)
- Growing More Like Jesus (Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross)
- The Transfiguration Song (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
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The Twelve Disciples
Tune: Bringing in the Sheaves
There were twelve disciples,
Jesus called to help Him.
Simon Peter, Andrew, James, his brother John,
Phillip, Thomas, Matthew,
James the son of Alpheus,
Thaddeus, Simon, Judas, and Bartholomew.
Jesus calls us, too. Jesus calls us, too.
We are his disciples, Jesus calls us, too.
Jesus calls us, too. Jesus calls us, too.
We are his disciples, Jesus calls us, too.
The Apostles Song
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Jesus called them one by one:
Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Next came Philip, Thomas too,
Matthew and Bartholomew.
James, the one they called the less*,
Simon, also Thaddaeus.
The twelfth apostle Judas made,
Jesus was by him betrayed.
Yes, Jesus called them.
Yes, Jesus called them.
Yes, Jesus called them.
And they all followed him.
Matthias then took Judas’ place,
To preach to men of every race.
Paul three preaching trips did make,
And went to Rome for Jesus’ sake.
Jesus calls us, me and you.
Fathers, mothers, children, too.
The Bible tells us what to do,
Go lead others to him, too.
Yes, Jesus calls us.
Yes, Jesus calls us.
Yes, Jesus calls us.
And we will follow him.
*alternate wording: James, the son of Alpheus
The Twelve Apostles
Tune: Reuben, Reuben
First came John and James his brother,
Sturdy sons of Zebedee,
Andrew next and Simon Peter,
Fishermen of Galilee.
Philip and his friend Nathaniel,
Sometimes called Bartholomew,
Matthew who collected taxes,
And who wrote a gospel, too.
Next came Thomas, he who doubted,
Simon and another James.
Then the Judas who was faithful,
Thaddeus his other name.
Last, the Judas who betrayed him,
These the Master’s chosen few,
But we all are his disciples,
When his precious will we do.

Fishers of Men
Tune: The Old Gray Mare
By Harry D. Clarke
I will make you fishers of men,
fishers of men, fishers of men,
I will make you fishers of men,
If you will follow me.
If you’ll follow me, If you’ll follow me,
I will make you fishers of men,
If you will follow me.
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me!”
“Come unto me! Come unto me!”
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me!”
“I will give you rest.
I will give you rest. I will give you rest.”
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me!
will give you rest.”
Tune: This Old Man
Cast their net,
But the fish they could not get,
Hauled hard, threw their nets,
Anywhere would do,
Caught no fish
The whole night through.
Jesus called,
“Come to me!
Leave your boats there by the sea.
Pray and show your faith
Anyway you wish
You will catch
More men than fish.”
Great Fisherman
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
Come follow, follow me,
Come follow, follow me,
You will be great fishermen,
Come follow, follow me.
We won’t be catching fish – no!
We won’t be catching fish – no!
People is what we want,
We won’t be catching fish – no!
We want them big and small,
We want them big and small,
All sizes and colors, too.
We want them big and small.
We’ll lead them all to heaven,
We’ll lead them all to heaven,
We’ll give them all to God, yes!
We’ll lead them all to heaven.

Jesus Calls Matthew
Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
Matthew was a tax collector
All the livelong day.
Matthew sat collecting taxes
When Jesus came that way.
Jesus stopped to talk to Matthew
“Follow me,” He said.
Matthew rose and followed Jesus,
Followed where He led.
“Come and follow me,
Come and follow me”
Jesus says to us today.
“Come and follow me,
Come and follow me”
Jesus says to us today.
Andrew worked as a fisherman,
All the live long day.
Andrew worked as a fisherman,
When Jesus came that way.
Jesus stopped to talk to Andrew
“Follow me,” He said.
Andrew rose and told Peter,
They followed where He led.
Growing More Like Jesus
Tune: Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
Looking upward every day,
Sunshine on our faces,
Pressing onward every day,
Toward the heavenly places.
Growing up, growing up
More and more like Jesus.
Learning from Him every day,
Growing more like Jesus.

The Transfiguration Song
Tune: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Copyrighted by Aleta Walker Samford, used by permission
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
Went upon the mountain high,
Jesus’ face became so bright,
And his clothes became so white!
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
On that day.
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
Went upon the mountain high,
The apostles soon could hear,
Moses and Elijah near!
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
On that day.
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
Went upon the mountain high,
God is well-pleased of his Son,
He will die for everyone!
Jesus, James, and John, and Peter,
On that day.
*** This song is part of the book Sing With Me the Story, available for purchase.
Other Apostles Songs from Around the Web:
- A Follower of Jesus (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Disciples Songs (6 songs to various tunes)
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site.