Are you ready for spring cleaning with kids? It’s time to tackle it!
Here are 7 ways to do spring cleaning with kids:
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1 – Get them involved
Spring cleaning is a great time to get kids involved! You live WITH kids, not around them so spring cleaning is a fabulous opportunity to teach them skills like discernment, responsibility, and blessing others by giving away their old things. Have them work on their playroom, their backyard toys, and their bedrooms. First, have your kids drag out all their toys and then sort them into piles: what to keep, what to toss, and what to donate. Next, organize the keep pile so everything is neat, tidy, and accessible. They might need a little guidance and hand holding at first, but it is such a great learning process!
2 – Do it while they are out of the house
Alternately, you could wait to do spring cleaning until the kids go to school, a play date, or elsewhere so you can just spring clean on super speed! Sometimes, this is definitely the easiest option! Spring cleaning while the kids are out is perfect if your kids are still small, get easily overwhelmed by big projects or you just can’t find time to do it with them in tow.

3 – Focus on the hardest rooms first
When cleaning, focus on the hardest room first. You will get it done and then feel empowered to move on to the next room and to the rest of the house. I promise you that this is the easiest and best way to do it for motivation!
4 – Tackle the tiny hidden spaces
Short on time? Alternately, when I know I don’t have much time, I like to tackle the hidden spaces that are tiny but make me crazy with their messiness – places like the kitchen junk drawer or medicine cabinet. Call me strange, but it makes me insanely happy when I open the pantry and everything is neat and tidy! So, if you don’t have much time, tray tackling just one tiny hidden space each day for a week then plan your hardest room for a full-day project. You’ll be so excited about your progress you’ll want to get the rest of the house done, too!

5 – Toy rotation
If you are a parent, I bet you know that feeling of having way too many toys. They take up so much space, and it takes just a few toys to make your home feel extra cluttered and busy. Keep one thing in mind: you don’t have to keep all your toys out at once, and you don’t have to get rid of all your toys in order to spring clean them. If you have some sort of storage space (even if it’s just a dresser or extra room), start a rotation process with the toys.
When new things rotate in after they haven’t seen them for a while, it will spark joy for them! Make sure your kids have access to a nice balance of toys. Mix up the kinds of playthings that are out at any given time. Is it an educational toy? Does it inspire creativity? Is it designed to comfort?
Also, keep in mind that kids don’t need as much as we think. Often, less is more! When I have put toys away and made fewer available, I’ve found it often leads to calmer kids who dive more deeply into what is available. Kids THRIVE by just doing life with you, so don’t worry if they don’t have a ton. A pile of toys is truly not always needed!
6 – Turn up the music
No matter if you are a sixty year old, or a five year old, everyone loves music, and nothing makes the time pass more quickly than some fun, upbeat tunes! When you deep clean, and especially when you are getting kids involved in the process, make sure to turn their favorite songs on. Music makes everything better – even spring cleaning! Have your kids (and yourself) sing and dance your way to a tidier and more organized home. Have fun!

7 – Find somewhere for your junk
Last but not least, you need to find somewhere for all the junk that you are removing. I’m a big believer in donating used toys and clothes, but if you’re doing a major spring cleaning, you may just need to throw things away. Personally, I like the easiest option possible, like a service such as dumpster rental Cedar Hill TX by Junk Queen TX. They aim to provide 5-star service, fair-low pricing, responsiveness, and deep respect for their valued customers. They say, “If you are finally ready to clear out your unwanted junk (clean-outs, old furniture, appliances, mattresses, etc, or rent a convenient dumpster (based on your own timeline and needs), or a business which needs a construction clean-up partner, go with Junk Queen TX with confidence. We welcome you to call us or visit our gallery section on the website to see us in action. Look forward to learning more about your needs and talking with our fellow neighbor today.”
Excellent motivation to get that spring cleaning DONE!
Absolutely! So glad it was helpful!