Welcome to songs about the Bible for kids! There are SO MANY songs on this topic! And no wonder, because these songs all teach about the importance of reading God’s Word and loving the holy scriptures. These simple, upbeat Bible songs set to familiar tunes are just perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS.
Bible Songs about God’s Word
- A Story in the Bible (If You’re Happy and You Know It)
- Bible Words (Jingle Bells)
- Bible Stories (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms)
- Did You Ever Read the Bible? (Did You Ever See a Lassie?)
- Every Promise in the Book is Mine (hymn)
- God Said It (traditional)
- God Talks to Us (Love Lifted Me)
- How We Love the Holy Bible (What a Friends We Have in Jesus)
- I Read the Bible (Wheels on the Bus)
- My Bible (Baa Baa Black Sheep)
- Read the Book (Row, Row, Row the Boat)
- Read, Read Bible Words (Row, Row, Row the Boat)
- Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday (traditional)
- Stop and Go Bible (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
- Study Your Bible Everyday (Brighten the Corner)
- Take Time to Read Daily (Take Time to Be Holy)
- The B-I-B-L-E (It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More)
- The Bible is God’s Book (Farmer in the Dell)
- The Bible is God’s Word (Farmer in the Dell)
- The Bible Name Song (BINGO)
- The Bible Patting Song (Wheels on the Bus)
- The More We Read the Bible (The More We Get Together)
- There Are Treasures in the Bible for Us (If you’re Happy and You Know It)
- There is a Book (BINGO)
- There’s Not a Book (No, Not One)
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A Story in the Bible
Tune: If You’re Happy and Know it
Please listen to a story from God’s word.
(Make Bible with palms together)
Please listen to a story from God’s word.
(Make Bible with palms together)
Will you listen carefully?
(Hold hands behind ears)
And sit so quietly.
(sit up straight, hands in lap)
Please listen to a story from God’s word.
(Make Bible with palms together)
Bible Words
Tune: Jingle Bells
Bible words, Bible words,
Read them all to me.
Turn the pages while we read,
God’s words of love to me.
Bible words, Bible words,
Let’s all take a look.
Bible words, Bible words,
They’re all in God’s book.
Bible Stories
Tune: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Tell of Bethlehem and Jerusalem,
Tell of places Jesus used to go.
Tell of Galilee and of Calvary,
Tell of Jesus, for He loves me so!
Bible stories, Bibles stories,
Good for summer, winter, spring, or fall!
Bible stories, Bibles stories,
Bible stories are the best of all!
Did You Ever Read the Bible?
Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?
Did you ever read the Bible?
The Bible, the Bible?
Did you ever read the Bible?
Well, here’s what we read:
Of Adam and Noah and Abraham and Isaac*,
Did you ever read the Bible?
Well, here’s what we read:
*Substitute names of Bible characters you have studied, use for review.
Every Promise In The Book Is Mine
Tune: hymn (public domain)
Every promise in the Book is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, every line;
All are blessings of His love divine,
Every promise in the Book is mine.
God Said It
Tune: traditional
God said it, I believe it,
‘Tis all that faith demands.
Though heaven and earth shall pass away,
His word will stand.
God Talks to Us
Tune: chorus from Love Lifted Me
God talks to us, God talks to us,
When we read his Good Book,
God talks to us.
We talk to God, We talk to God,
When we bow our heads to pray,
We talk to God.
How We Love the Holy Bible
Tune: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
How we love the holy Bible,
May we teach it far and near.
If we’ll follow His commandments,
We need never have a fear.
For we’ll have a home in heaven,
There to meet with those we love.
How we love the holy Bible,
A great gift from God above.
Oh, we all should be so thankful.
For brave men of long ago
Who preserved for us this Bible,
God’s hand guided them we know.
Let us then we up and doing,
Working, praying night and day
Teaching all the Holy Bible,
Father, help us, this we pray.

I Read the Bible
Tune: Wheels on the Bus
I read the Bible and talk to God,
talk to God, talk to God,
I read the Bible and talk to God,
I learn that God loves me.
My Bible
Tune: Baa Baa Black sheep
In the Bible read the word of God,
He is talking, hear the word of God.
If I take the Bible and close it up tight,
I will never know how to do what’s right.
God has one Book, I love it every bit!
I hold it, I dust it so, I take good care of it.
One for the Bible, two for my ears.
I will study my Bible, year after year.
In all the world through,
You look and look and look,
You’ll never find another like
God’s special, special book.
Read the Book
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Read, read, read the book,
Read it every day.
Sing a song so joyfully,
Then we bow to pray.
Work, work, work for Christ,
Work in early morn.
Work for Him in bright noon-day,
Work ‘til night comes on.
Go, go, go to all,
Preach the blessed word.
Tell the story of the Christ,
Sweetest ever heard.
Read, Read Bible Words
Tune: Row, Row, Row the Boat
Read, read, read God’s word.
Won’t you read God’s word?
Read, read, read, read.
I will read God’s word.

Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Read your Bible, pray everyday,
pray every day, pray everyday.
Read your Bible, pray every day,
and you’ll grow, grow, grow.
Neglect your Bible, don’t ever pray
don’t ever pray, don’t ever pray;
neglect your Bible, don’t ever pray
and you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink.
Read your Bible, pray everyday,
pray every day, pray everyday.
Read your Bible, pray every day,
and you’ll grow, grow, grow.
*1 Begin in a squatting position indicating a book, then switching to hands folding as in prayer as you sing. Slowly stand while singing “grow, grow, grow”.
*2 Wipe hands against each other, and then slowly returning to squatting position as you sing “shrink, shrink, shrink”.
*3 Repeat motions for verse 1.
Stop and Go Bible
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Stop! Says the Bible when I’m bad.
Go! Says the Bible when I’m good.
This way I can always know,
When to stop and when to go.
Stop! Says the Bible when I’m bad.
Go! Says the Bible when I’m good.
Study Your Bible Everyday
Tune: Brighten the Corner
Study the Bible everyday,
Tell others what it has to say,
For it tells of Jesus,
Who will help us on our way,
Study your Bible everyday.
Take Time to Read Daily
Tune: Take Time to Be Holy
Take time to read daily the Word of the Lord.
Make it a good habit to study His Word.
Learn what He has taught you,
And do what He says.
You’ll find happy pleasure following Jesus always.
Take time to pray daily, tell Him of your need.
He loves all His children, He’s a friend indeed.
Take Him all your sorrows,
He’ll help you each time.
His burdens are easy, His way is sublime.
Take time to live righteous, be pure in your heart.
Speak words that are fitting, or Satan’s work starts.
Fight for truth and for freedom,
Live for Christ above sin.
He’ll help you to live daily,
And then take your soul in.

The B-I-B-L-E
Tune: It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the Book for me!
I stand upon the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E!
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the Book for me!
I love to hear the stories from
The B-I-B-L-E!
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the Book for me!
I love the Bible, the Book of God,
The B-I-B-L-E!
The B-I-B-L-E, I’ll take it home with me!
I’ll read and study and then obey,
The B-I-B-L-E!
The Bible has 66 books,
It’s testaments there are two.
There’s 39 in the Old Testament,
And 27 in the New.
The Bible is God’s Book
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
The Bible is God’s Book,
His words are there you see.
It is the way He talks to you,
The way He talks to me.
Obey, obey, obey.
The Bible says obey.
So I’ll do the things God says,
Every single day.
The Bible is God’s Word
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
The Bible is God’s Word,
The Bible is God’s Word,
It tells us that God loves us,
The Bible is God’s Word,
The Bible is God’s Word,
The Bible is God’s Word,
I like to hear its stories, for
The Bible is God’s Word,
The Bible Name Song
There was a child who had a book,
And Bible was it’s name, see!
B-I-B-L-E! B-I-B-L-E! B-I-B-L-E!
And Bible was it’s name, see!
In my hand I have a book,
The book is called the Bible.
B-I-B-L-E! B-I-B-L-E! B-I-B-L-E!
The Bible is God’s word!
The Bible Patting Song
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
Oh, the children in our class can pat-pat-pat,
pat-pat-pat. pat-pat-pat.
Oh, the children in our class can pat-pat-pat,
Pat the Holy Bible.
The More We Read the Bible
Tune: The More We Get Together
The more we read the Bible, the Bible, the Bible,
The more we read the Bible, the happier we’ll be.
We’ll learn about Jesus
and how we may please Him,
The more we read the Bible, the happier we’ll be.
The more we keep on singing,
keep singing, keep singing,
The more we keep on singing, the happier we’ll be.
We’ll sing about Jesus,
the songs that will praise Him,
The more we keep on singing, the happier we’ll be.
There Are Treasures in the Bible For Us
Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know it
There are treasures in the Bible for us.
There are treasures in the Bible for us.
Just look around and see,
the things God made for you and me.
There are treasures in the Bible for us.

There is a Book
by Shanti Sam
There is a book that has Good News,
the Bible is its na-me.
B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E,
the Bible is its na-me.
2. There is a book that is our guide.
3. There is a book that gives new life.
4. There is a book that has the truth.
5. There is a book that gives us wisdom.
6. There is a book that talks of Jesus.
There’s Not a Book
Tune: No, Not On
There’s not a book like the Holy Bible.
No, not one! No, not one!
There’s not a book that we love so dearly.
No, not one! No, not one!
For I tells all about our Father.
And it tells of His precious Son.
There’s not a book like the Holy Bible.
No, not one! No, not one!
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.