Welcome to Bible songs about Peter, the apostle of Jesus! There are so many children’s Bible songs about Peter from his time learning from Jesus to his role in the early church. All of these Peter songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes and perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS.
Peter Songs
- Peter Walking on the Water (Yankee Doodle)
- Peter’s Mother in Law (Yankee Doodle)
- Peter, James, & John in a Sailboat [Catch of Many Fish version] (10 Little Indians)
- Peter, James, & John in a Sailboat [Jesus Walks on the Water version] (10 Little Indians)
- Peter, Peter, Who Do People Say I Am? (Reuben, Reuben)
- Peter, Peter, Do You Love Me? (Reuben, Reuben)
- Acts 2:38 Song (Farmer in the Dell)
- Peter & John Went to Pray (traditional)
- Peter & John Went to the Gate (Mulberry Bush)
- In the Name of Jesus (Buffalo Gals)
- Go Preach, Peter (O Susanna)
- Peter Rescued from Jail (Yankee Doodle)
- Rhoda & Peter (Who Did Swallow Jonah?)
- Peter & Paul: The Church Grows (The Farmer in the Dell)
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Peter Walking on the Water
Tune: Yankee Doodle
Jesus walked upon the sea,
One dark and windy night.
Peter saw the Lord and said,
Oh, let me walk to You.
Then Peter walked upon the sea,
His eyes on Jesus fixed.
But when he looked away from him,
His legs began to slip.
Then Jesus took poor Peter’s hand,
And said, “Your faith is small.
If you would put your trust in Me,
I’d never let you fall.”
Peter’s Mother-in-Law
Tune: Yankee Doodle
When Jesus went to Peter’s house,
His wife’s mom had a fever,
She lay in bed, she felt so bad,
“Please help her,” then asked Peter.
Jesus took the woman’s hand,
He healed her right away.
She jumped right up, she felt so good,
She thanked the Lord that day!
Peter, James, & John in a Sailboat (Catch of Many Fish Version)
Tune: 10 Little Indians
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Out on the rolling sea.
Fished all night, caught no fishes,
Fished all night, caught no fishes,
Fished all night, caught no fishes,
Out on the rolling sea.
Along came Jesus walking on the seashore,
Along came Jesus walking on the seashore,
Along came Jesus walking on the seashore,
Out by the rolling sea.
(He said,) “Cast your nets on the other side,”
“Cast your nets on the other side,”
“Cast your nets on the other side,”
Out on the rolling sea.
Then their nets were full of fishes,
Then their nets were full of fishes,
Then their nets were full of fishes,
Out on the rolling sea.
Jesus said, “I’ll make you fishers,
Fishers of men instead of fishes.
Jesus said, “I’ll make you fishers,
If you will follow me.”

Peter, James, & John in a Sailboat (Jesus walks on the Water Version)
Tune: 10 Little Indians
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Peter, James, and John in a sailboat,
Out on the deep, blue sea.
The wind was blowing, the waves were crashing,
The wind was blowing, the waves were crashing,
The wind was blowing, the waves were crashing,
Out on the deep, blue sea.
Along came Jesus walking on the water,
Along came Jesus walking on the water,
Along came Jesus walking on the water,
Out on the deep, blue sea.
The wind stopped blowing, the waves stopped crashing,
The wind stopped blowing, the waves stopped crashing,
Oh, how the boat stopped tossing and turning,
Out on the deep, blue sea.
Peter, Peter, Who Do People Say I Am?
Tune: Rueben, Rueben
Jesus: Peter, Peter,
what do you think?
Who do people say I am?
Peter: You are Christ,
the promised Savior,
The Son of the living God.
Teacher: Children, children,
what do you think?
Who is Jesus, whom you love?
Children: He is Christ,
the promised Savior,
the Son of the Living God.
Peter, Peter, Do You Love Me?
Tune: Rueben, Rueben
Peter, Peter, do you love Me?
Yes, Lord, yes I do.
Peter, Peter, do you love Me?
Yes, Lord, yes I do.
Peter, Peter, do you love Me?
Yes, Lord, yes I do.
Lord, you know that I do love you!
And the Lord loved Peter, too.
Acts 2:38 Song
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
Acts 38
Of chapter 2
Repent and be baptized, every one of you!
In the name of Jesus, that’s what you do.
And the Holy Spirit is promised to you.

Peter and John Went to Pray
Tune: traditional
Peter and John went to pray,
They met a lame man on the way.
He asked for alms and he held out his palms,
And this is what Peter did say,
“Silver and gold have I none,
But that which I have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Rise up and walk!”
He went walking – and leaping,
And praising God.
Walking – and leaping – and praising God.
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Rise up and walk!”
Peter and John Went to the Gate
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Peter and John went to the gate
to the gate, to the gate
Peter and John went to the gate
in the afternoon.
They saw a man who couldn’t walk,
couldn’t walk, couldn’t walk,
They saw a man who couldn’t walk,
By the Beautiful Gate.
They told him to get up and walk,
get up and walk, get up and walk,
They told him to get up and walk,
For Jesus would make him well.
He got well and jumped for joy,
jumped for joy, jumped for joy,
He got well and jumped for joy,
He thanked God for his healing.
In the Name of Jesus (Acts 5)
Tune: Buffalo Gals
We strictly charge you,
Do not teach! Do not teach!
Do not teach!
We strictly charge you,
Do not teach – in the name of Jesus!
We must obey God
rather than man! rather than man!
rather than man!
We must obey God
rather than man!
We’ll keep on teaching about Jesus!
Go Preach, Peter
Tune: O Susanna
Peter up on the roof did go
He went there for to pray
He fell asleep and had a dream
God showed to him the way.
In the dream a sheet came down
It was full of unclean beasts
And then there came a voice to say
“Rise, Peter, kill and eat!”
Peter said, “Oh not so, Lord!
I don’t want to go.
Gentiles are unclean, my Lord.
My answer must be no.”
“The Hebrews are so special, Lord,
We are your chosen race.
We don’t need Cornelius, Lord,
We don’t need a Gentile face.”
Caesarea where Cornelius lived,
Is where Peter went that day,
Cornelius and his house believed,
On the Lord the only way.
Immediately they were all baptized,
For the Lord they chose to obey.
Cornelius became the first Gentile
Christian on that day.
Go Preach, Peter.
Cornelius needs you so.
He needs you to go to him,
The Gospel he must know.
Peter Rescued from Jail
Tune: Yankee Doodle
Peter was in jail at night
Soldiers all around him,
Bound in chains, awaiting death,
An angel came and got him.
“Get up quickly! Dress yourself!
Then put on your sandals.
Follow me and watch us leave!”
God rescued him from evil.
Rhoda & Peter
Tune: Who Did Swallow Jonah?
Rhoda, Rhoda, Rhoda, Rhoda,
Rhoda, who is at the door?
Peter, Peter, I think it’s Peter.
Peter’s the one at the door!
You’re crazy, you’re crazy,
you’re crazy, you’re crazy,
Peter’s locked up in the prison!
Wait! It really is him!
Wait! It really is him!
Wait! It really is Peter now!
Peter & Paul: The Church Grows
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
Words by Bobbi Biddle
The church just grew and grew,
When Peter taught God’s love,
The people learned the Word of God,
And worshiped God above.
When Peter was in jail,
The church prayed day and night.
When Rhoda heard him knock outside,
She learned he was all right.
Disciples preached God’s love,
And served the people, too,
“We need some help!” they told the church,
Then seven men helped too.
O Barnabas and Paul,
They traveled far and near,
They told the people of God’s love,
And of His Son so dear.
Other Peter Songs
- Peter’s Confession (Lily of the Valley)
- Pentecost (The Great Physician)
- Peter and John (Rescue the Perishing)
- Peter and Dorcas (Walking in Sunlight)
- Cornelius (Seeking the Lost)
- The Rooster Crows at Peter
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.
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