Welcome to Bible songs for kids covering the stories from the book of Acts! Here you will find Bible songs about Peter and Paul working with the first century church. All of these songs are simple and sung to familiar tunes and perfect for singing at home, church, Bible class, Sunday school, and VBS. The Acts songs are listed by chapter so you can quickly find what you need. Let’s sing!
Acts Songs:
- The Acts Facts Song (The Farmer in the Dell)
- Acts 1 | Jesus Ascension Song (Love Lifted Me)
- Acts 2 | On the Day of Pentecost (If You’re Happy and You Know It)
- Acts 2 | Repent & Be Baptized (The Farmer in the Dell)
- Acts 3 |Silver and Gold Have I None/ Peter and John Went to Pray (traditional)
- Acts 3 | Peter and John Went to the Gate (Mulberry Bush)
- Acts 4 | They Had All Things in Common (She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain)
- Acts 5 | In the Name of Jesus (Buffalo Gals)
- Acts 7 | Stephen – Bible Heroes (Jesus Loves Me)
- Acts 8 | Roll, Roll, Chariot Roll – Ethiopian Eunuch (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
- Acts 8 | Philip and the Eunuch (Yankee Doodle)
- Acts 9 | Saul Saw the Light (The Farmer in the Dell)
- Acts 9 | Saul/Paul (This Old Man)
- Acts 9 | Paul’s Conversion (Yankee Doodle)
- Acts 10 | Go Preach, Peter (O Susanna)
- Acts 10 | The Gospel is for All (hymn)
- Acts 10 | Peter and Paul – The Church Grows (The Farmer in the Dell)
- Acts 11 | The Church that Jesus Built (Michael Row Your Boat Ashore)
- Acts 12 | Peter Rescued from Jail (Yankee Doodle)
- Acts 12 | Rhoda and Peter (Who Did Swallow Jonah?)
- Acts 13 | We’re Going on a Mission (Going on a Bear Hunt)
- Acts 14 | Good Paul (My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
- Acts 16 | Send the Light (hymn)
- Acts 16 | Lydia (BINGO)
- Acts 16 | Into My Heart (traditional)
- Acts 16 | The Philippian Jailer (Hear Me Now)
- Acts 16 | What Must I Do to Be Saved? (Mulberry Bush)
- Acts 17 | Old Time Religion (traditional)
- Acts 20 | Eutychus (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Acts 20 | Eutychus (Mulberry Bush)
- Acts 20 | Eutychus (Are You Sleeping?)
- Acts 27 | Paul Sails to Rome (The Bear Went Over the Mountain)
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The Acts Facts Song
Tune: Farmer in the Dell
By Nancy Tumlinson, adapted by Amanda Wilson
Acts chapter 1: Christ’s time on earth is done.
And we see Matthias won, that’s Acts chapter 1.
Acts chapter 2: Spirit promise comes true.
The apostles baptize a big crew, that’s Acts chapter 2.
Acts chapter 3: the lame man’s plea.
Peter heals him quickly, that’s Acts chapter 3.
Acts chapter 4: the jailhouse door!
Peter is free once more, that’s Acts chapter 4.
Acts chapter 5: Many sick survive.
Ananias and Sapphira die, that’s Acts chapter 5.
Acts chapter 6: the widows in a fix.
Seven men are chosen, yes, that’s Acts chapter 6.
Acts chapter 7: Stephen goes to heaven.
Jesus stands in heaven, yes, that’s Acts chapter 7.
Acts chapter 8: Philip to Samaria’s gate.
The Eunuch simply won’t wait, that’s Acts chapter 8.
Acts chapter 9, Saul goes blind,
In 22, one more time, that’s Acts chapter 9.
Acts chapter 10, the first Gentiles come in.
Peter’s vision welcomes them in, that’s Acts chapter 10.
Acts chapter 11, the Gentiles will see heaven.
First called Christians in Antioch, that’s Acts chapter 11.
Acts chapter 10 + 2, James killed but not Peter, too.
The evil king the worms did chew, that’s Acts 10 + 2.
Acts 13 and 14 – Paul’s first trip exhorting.
Barnabas, too, was preaching in Acts 13 and 14.
Acts chapter 10 + 5, the Old Law must not survive.
The Christians write a letter then in Acts chapter 10 + 5.
Acts 16, 17, 18 – Let’s go! Greece is waiting.
Paul is on his second trip, that’s Acts 16, 17, 18.
Acts 19, 20, 21. Paul’s third trip is done.
Paul travels to Macedonia, Acts 19, 20, 21.
Acts 23, the soldiers with Paul flee.
Paul’s nephew hears the evil scheme, that’s Acts 23.
Acts 24 to 26, Agrippa, Festus, Felix.
Just Agrippa, Festus, Felix, that‘s Acts 24 to 26.
Acts 27 and eight, Paul heads to Rome’s gate.
Shipwrecked and bitten by a snake, Acts 27 and eight.
>>>See Nancy Tumlinson’s Bible curriculum for kids, Our Spiritual Heritage, for more wonderful ideas for teaching children about God.
Jesus Ascension Song
Tune: Love Lifted Me
Jesus’ work on earth was done;
He had fulfilled God’s plan.
Crucified, then he arose
All for the sake of man.
He taught them for forty days
Things that they all should know,
Then ascended back to heaven.
He did go.
Up in the sky
To God on high.
“Jesus will come again”
Said angels nigh!
On the Day of Pentecost
Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
On the day of Pentecost the church began
Clap, clap (say: Acts 2)
On the day of Pentecost the church began
Clap, clap (say: Acts 2)
Jesus died on the tree
From my sins to set me free,
On the day of Pentecost the church began
Clap, clap (say: Acts 2)
In Jerusalem when Peter preached the word
Clap, clap (say: First time!)
In Jerusalem when Peter preached the word
Clap, clap (say: First time!)
Many people did obey
All their sins were washed away.
In Jerusalem when Peter preached the word
Clap, clap (say: First time!)
When Peter said, “Repent and be baptized,”
Clap, clap (Say: They obeyed!)
When Peter said, “Repent and be baptized,”
Clap, clap (Say: They obeyed!)
More than 3,000 souls
The Lord added to the church,
When Peter said, “Repent and be baptized,”
They obeyed! (clap, clap)
Repent and Be Baptized
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
Verse 38
Of Acts, chapter 2
Repent and be baptized, everyone of you!
In the name of Jesus, that’s what you do.
And the Holy Spirit is promised to you.
Silver and Gold Have I None/ Peter & John Went to Pray
Tune: Copyight 1974 Celebration
Peter and John went to pray,
They met a lame man on the way.
He asked for alms and he held out his palms,
And this is what Peter did say,
“Silver and gold have I none,
But that which I have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Rise up and walk!”
He went walking – and leaping,
And praising God.
Walking – and leaping – and praising God.
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Rise up and walk!”

Peter & John Went to the Gate
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Peter and John went to the gate
to the gate, to the gate
Peter and John went to the gate
in the afternoon.
They saw a man who couldn’t walk,
couldn’t walk, couldn’t walk,
They saw a man who couldn’t walk,
By the Beautiful Gate.
They told him to get up and walk,
get up and walk, get up and walk,
They told him to get up and walk,
For Jesus would make him well.
He got well and jumped for joy,
jumped for joy, jumped for joy,
He got well and jumped for joy,
He thanked God for his healing.
They Had All Things in Common
Tune: She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
By Amanda Wilson
They had all things in common in the church,
They had all things in common in the church,
They had all things in common.
They had all things in common,
They had all things in common in the church.
They had one heart and soul in the church,
They had one heart and soul in the church,
They had one heart and soul,
They had one heart and soul,
They had one heart and soul in the church.
In the Name of Jesus
Tune: Buffalo Gals
We strictly charge you,
Do not teach! Do not teach!
Do not teach!
We strictly charge you,
Do not teach – in the name of Jesus!
We must obey God
rather than man! rather than man!
rather than man!
We must obey God
rather than man!
We’ll keep on teaching about Jesus!
Stephen – Bible Heroes
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Stories of the truly great,
In the Bible we are told,
Heroines and heroes too,
And their deeds both brave and bold.
Yes, Stephen was brave,
Yes, Stephen was brave,
Yes, Stephen was brave,
The Bible tells me so.
Stephen was the first to die,
As a martyr for the Way,
As his enemies cast stones,
Stephen for them all did pray.
Paul, at first a Pharisee,
Hated Christianity,
Later on he turned to Christ,
Served Him then most faithfully.

Roll, Roll, Chariot Roll – Ethiopian Eunuch
Tune: Row, Row, Row your Boat
Roll, roll chariot roll
Roll chariot roll
Roll, roll chariot roll
On the road to Gaza
Preach, preach Philip preach
Preach Philip preach
Preach, preach Philip preach
On the road to Gaza
Baptize, bury him
Baptize, bury him
Baptize, bury him
On the road to Gaza
Rise, rise Christian rise,
Rise Christian rise,
Rise, rise Christian rise,
On the road to Gaza.
Philip and the Eunuch
Tune: Yankee Doodle
A man went riding down one day
From Jerusalem to Gaza,
And as he rode along the way,
He read from the book Isaiah.
Philip taught him of Christ,
Philip was a preacher.
Showed him how Jesus saved,
To make a new creature.
As Philip and the eunuch rode along,
They came to water by the way.
The eunuch asked Philip
To baptize him that day.
(sing chorus)
They both went down into the water,
And Philip baptized him,
The eunuch came from the water,
Rejoicing, saved from sin.
(sing chorus)
Saul Saw the Light
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
By Amanda Wilson
Saul saw the light,
Saul saw the light,
Walking the Damascus Road,
Saul saw the light.
Jesus spoke to Saul,
Jesus spoke to Saul,
“Why are you hurting me?”
Jesus spoke to Saul.
For three days Saul was blind,
For three days Saul was blind,
Others led him by the hand,
For three days Saul was blind.
Saul was baptized,
Saul was baptized,
Scales fell from his eyes,
Saul was baptized.
Saul/ Paul
Tune: This Old Man
Saul was mean and he did wrong.
He hurt people who loved God.
He tried to get them and throw them in the jail.
The news of Saul spread like the mail.
Then one day, to the town,
God blinded Saul and gave him a frown.
Saul knew he had made a mistake,
He asked God to give him a break.
From now on, Saul was changed.
And his name was rearranged.
His name was Paul and he told the world of love.
God’s special love from up above.
Paul’s Conversion
Tune: Yankee Doodle
Paul was once an enemy,
All the Christians feared him,
A light from heaven,
Showed Paul God’s power,
And sight from Paul was driven.
Paul went to Damascus,
Where Ananias found him,
He commanded Paul to be baptized,
And wash away his sin.
Go Preach, Peter
Tune: O Susanna
Peter up on the roof did go
He went there for to pray
He fell asleep and had a dream
God showed to him the way.
In the dream a sheet came down
It was full of unclean beasts
And then there came a voice to say
“Rise, Peter, kill and eat!”
Peter said, “Oh not so, Lord!
I don’t want to go.
Gentiles are unclean, my Lord.
My answer must be no.”
“The Hebrews are so special, Lord,
We are your chosen race.
We don’t need Cornelius, Lord,
We don’t need a Gentile face.”
Caesarea where Cornelius lived,
Is where Peter went that day,
Cornelius and his house believed,
On the Lord the only way.
Immediately they were all baptized,
For the Lord they chose to obey.
Cornelius became the first Gentile
Christian on that day.
Go Preach, Peter.
Cornelius needs you so.
He needs you to go to him,
The Gospel he must know.
The Gospel is for All
Tune: see hymnal, public domain
Of one the Lord has made the race,
Through one has come the fall.
Where sin has gone must go His grace,
The Gospel is for all.
The blessed Gospel is for all,
The Gospel is for all.
Where sin has gone must go His grace,
The Gospel is for all.
Peter and Paul: The Church Grows
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
By Bobbi Biddle
The church just grew and grew,
When Peter taught God’s love,
The people learned the Word of God,
And worshiped God above.
When Peter was in jail,
The church prayed day and night.
When Rhoda heard him knock outside,
She learned he was all right.
Disciples preached God’s love,
And served the people, too,
“We need some help!” they told the church,
Then seven men helped too.
O Barnabas and Paul,
They traveled far and near,
They told the people of God’s love,
And of His Son so dear.
The Church That Jesus Built
Tune: Michael Row the Boat Ashore
Copyright by Aleta Walker Samford, used by permission
There’s a church that Jesus built, Hallelujah!
There’s a church that Jesus built, Hallelujah!
It is built upon a rock, Hallelujah!
It is built upon a rock, Hallelujah!
Jesus is the Son of God, Hallelujah!
Jesus is the Son of God, Hallelujah
Satan’s powers shall not prevail, Hallelujah!
Satan’s powers shall not prevail, Hallelujah!
Christians are who make the church, Hallelujah!
Christians are who make the church, Hallelujah!
In the church you’ll want to be, Hallelujah!
In the church you’ll want to be, Hallelujah!

Peter Rescued from Jail
Tune: Yankee Doodle
Peter was in jail at night
Soldiers all around him,
Bound in chains, awaiting death,
An angel came and got him.
“Get up quickly! Dress yourself!
Then put on your sandals.
Follow me and watch us leave!”
God rescued him from evil.
Rhoda and Peter
Tune: Who Did Swallow Jonah?
Rhoda, Rhoda, Rhoda, Rhoda,
Rhoda, who is at the door?
Peter, Peter, I think it’s Peter.
Peter’s the one at the door!
You’re crazy, you’re crazy,
you’re crazy, you’re crazy,
Peter’s locked up in the prison!
Wait! It really is him!
Wait! It really is him!
Wait! It really is Peter now!
We’re Going on a Mission
Tune: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
We’re going on a mission,
We’re going on a mission,
[students march and carry Bible]
We’re gonna teach people!
We’re gonna teach people!
Come on, let’s go!
We’re sailing to the Isle of Cyprus.
[pretend you’re sailing in a boat]
We’re going on a mission,
We’re going on a mission,
We’re gonna teach people!
We’re gonna teach people!
We’re going to the other side of Paphos.
Come on, there are no cars, we gotta WALK.
[pretend to walk up a hill]
We’re going on a mission,
We’re going on a mission,
We’re gonna teach people!
We’re gonna teach people!
Come on, we’re goin on a mission
To see a magician – whoooo!
[pretend you’re afraid]
We’re going on a mission,
We’re going on a mission,
We’re gonna teach people!
Sailing on to Perga.
Oh no! The waves are rough and high.
Oh, we made it!
[Pretend you’re on rough water]
We’re going on a mission,
We’re going on a mission,
We’re gonna teach people!
To lots of other cities,
No boats, no cars! We gotta ride a donkey.
[pretend to ride a donkey]
We’ve finished with our mission,
We’ve finished with our mission,
We’re headed to Jerusalem.
Come on! We’re headed home!
Whew! Safe at last.
Good Paul
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Good Paul went out over the ocean,
Good Paul went out over the seas,
Good Paul went out over the ocean,
On missionary trips, there were three.
Preaching and teaching,
To share the good news about Jesus,
Preaching and teaching,
To tell the whole world about God.
Send the Light
Tune: see hymnal, public domain
There’s a call comes ringing
O’er the restless wave,
Send the light, send the light.
There are souls to rescue,
There are souls to save,
Send the light, send the light.
Send the light, the blessed gospel light,
Let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light, the blessed gospel light,
Let it shine forevermore.
We have heard the Macedonian call today,
Send the light! Send the light!
And a golden offering at the cross we lay,
Send the light! Send the light!
Let us pray that grace may everywhere abound,
Send the light! Send the light!
And a Christ-like spirit everywhere be found,
Send the light! Send the light!
Let us not grow weary in the work of love,
Send the light! Send the light!
Let us gather jewels for a crown above,
Send the light! Send the light!
There was a woman who loved the Lord
And Lydia was her name, oh!
L-Y-D-I-A, L-Y-D-I-A, L-Y-D-I-A,
And Lydia was her name, oh!
She learned about Jesus’ love,
And how he came to help her,
L-Y-D-I-A, L-Y-D-I-A, L-Y-D-I-A,
She learned about Jesus’ love, oh!
Into My Heart
Tune: traditional
Into my heart, into my heart,
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
Come in today, come in to stay,
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
The Philippian Jailer
Tune: Hear Me Now (#58 Sacred Selections)
Paul and Silas were in prison,
They were not afraid.
They sand praises there at midnight,
And they also prayed.
Our God, Our God, heard their prayers that night.
All the prison doors were opened,
By His power and His might.
The trembling jailer cried unto them,
“What must I do to be saved?”
When they preached Christ unto him,
He was not afraid.
(sing chorus)
Now the jailer was so happy,
That same hour of the night,
He and those he loved so dearly,
Were baptized into Christ.
(sing chorus)
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Tune: Mulberry Bush
What must I do to be saved?
To be saved, to be saved?
What must I do to be saved?
From all the guilt of sin?
First, I must hear the Word of God,
the Word of God, the Word of God,
First, I must hear the Word of God,
In order to believe.
Then I must believe His Word,
Believe His Word, believe His Word.
Then I must believe His Word,And obey the son of God.
Next, I must repent of sin,
Rof sin, repent of sin.
And change to sin no more.
And I must confess my Lord,
Confess my Lord, confess my Lord.
To glorify His name.
Now I must be baptized,
Be baptized, be baptized.
To wash away my sins.
When I’ve obeyed the gospel of Christ,
The gospel of Christ, the gospel of Christ,
God will add me to His church.
Old Time Religion
Tune: traditional, public domain
Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
It’s good enough for me!
2. It was good for my mother…
3. It was good for Paul and Silas…
4. It was good for the Hebrew children…
5. Makes me love everybody…
6. It can take us all to heaven…
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
There was a man who worshiped God,
Worshiped God, worshiped God,
There was a man who worshiped God,
As he sat in the window.
He sat so long he fell asleep,
fell asleep, fell asleep,
He sat so long he fell asleep,
And he fell out the window.
Paul went down and picked him up,
picked him up, picked him up,
Paul went down and picked him up,
And brought him back to life.
This man’s name – oh, can you guess?
Can you guess? Can you guess?
This man’s name – oh, can you guess?
His name was Eutychus!
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Disciples came to break the bread,
break the bread, break the bread
Disciples came to break the bread,
Paul was preaching very long,
The first day of the week.
very long, very long,
Paul was preaching very long,
He preached until midnight.
A man was there named Eutychus,
Eutychus, Eutychus,
A man was there named Eutychus,
Who sat up in the window.
After awhile he fell asleep,
fell asleep, fell asleep,
After awhile he fell asleep,
And fell right out and died.
Paul went down and found him there,
found him there, found him there,
Paul went down and found him there,
And brought him back to life.
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
By C.E. Couchman
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Eutychus, Eutychus,
Sitting in the window, Sitting in the window,
Three floors up, Three floors up.
He was sleeping, He was sleeping,
Eutychus, Eutychus,
Fell out of the window, Fell out of the window,
Three floors up, Three floors up.
See him walking! See him walking!
Eutychus, Eutychus,
We are very thankful, We are very thankful,
Pray with us, Pray with us.
Paul Sails to Rome
Tune: The Bear Went Over the Mountain
We’re sailing out on the water,
We’re sailing out on the water,
We’re sailing out on the water,
To Rome we all must go!
To Rome we all must go!
To Rome we all must go!
We’re sailing out on the water,
We’re sailing out on the water,
We’re sailing out on the water,
To Rome we all must go!
2. The storm is blowing around us…who will save us now?
3. Only God can save us…for He can do all things.
Other Acts Songs from Around the Web:
- Stephen (He Keeps Me Singing)
- Philip and the Ethiopian (Walking in Sunlight)
- Lydia (We Shall See the King Someday)
- Lydia Song (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
- Eutychus Song (I am Thine O Lord)
- Children Go Where I Send Thee (traditional)
DISCLAIMER: Songs posted on this page are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain, not copyrighted, or used with permission. These songs are being shared for the express purpose of enabling parents and Bible class teachers to teach children about God. These songs come from my memory or the memories of others who have shared them with me. Others come from small collections of Bible class songs written down or self-published for churches, gathered over many years in many places. Some of the lyrics and tunes may have been altered from their original. If you are aware of a copyright for a particular song or if you believe these lyrics are a violation of your copyright, please contact me at Amanda@maestramom.com and I will immediately remedy the situation either by assigning credit and linking appropriately or removing the songs from the site. All clipart graphics are from DS Art.