Free ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards are the perfect way to teach your preschooler or kindergartener the alphabet!
When my third child started preschool, I knew I wanted her pre-k year to focus on learning all the ABCs and letters sounds. And I’m also a big believer in tucking away as much scripture as possible inside the hearts of my kids. So I thought, why not combine the two? And that’s how our ABC Bible Memory Verse cards came into being.
Related: Phonics for Kindergarten and PreK
Where I Got the Idea for ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards
I had seen the most adorable video floating around Facebook of a small boy quoting Bible verses in ABC order and he was my inspiration for creating these little ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards! Have you seen him? We didn’t choose all the same scriptures to memorize, but he started the ball rolling. I thought, “hey, if this little cutie can memorize verses like this, my little girl can too!”
Hide God’s Word in Their Hearts
The best gift you can give your children is to introduce them to Jesus at a young age. While I’m all for telling lots of Bible stories to children, I know there is great power in small children hearing and meditating on the direct words of God.
It may seem like a lofty goal for a 4-year old to memorize a Bible verse each week, but I promise you, they can! Amazingly, before my kids become readers, they were actually BETTER at memorizing. Their little minds are like sponges and they delight in learning. The trick is frequent review and small chunks!
But even older kids (and parents!) will benefit from memorizing God’s word along with the littles in the house. Make it a year-long family project!
Since we homeschool, I introduced a new verse to my kids every Monday during lunchtime. But if that’s not a good time for your family, breakfast, dinner, or bedtime are great options for working on your ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards, too. Just pick a consistent time of the day so you know it will get done daily.

How We Use the ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards
Memorize One Verse Each Week
Our goal was to memorize one verse each week. I built in a week of review after every 4 weeks. Since there are 26 letters, if you put in several weeks of review and 2 weeks of review at the end, it should take you about 34 weeks to learn the whole alphabet. A school year is usually 34-36 weeks, so it’s a delightful way to teach the alphabet to beginning readers or help older children to memorize 26 scriptures over the course of the school year! And the best part is, a 34-week schedule is included in the FREE download!
Review ALL verses learned DAILY
In our home, we keep our small Bible memory verse cards at the kitchen table. Every day during lunch, we recite the verses memorized together as we eat.
The key to memorization is frequent review! So, try to recite it as frequently as you feed your children (that’s the reason we keep ours at the kitchen table). Feed their hearts, not just their bodies!
Study the Meaning of the Scriptures
We used the Bible verses as a jumping-of place for our family devotionals every day during lunchtime. We didn’t stick to a strict schedule, but it went more or less like this:

- Introduce a new verse
- Read it in context in the Bible
- Think up fun motions to help remember the words
- Set the words to a little tune you make up
- Recite any previous verses
- Recite the new verse together using the motions you made up
- Discuss the meaning
- Starting with verse A, go around the table and have each child say one verse. The next child says verse B, and so on!

- Recite the new verse together with motions.
- Chunk the verse into 2 or 3 parts; repeat after mom.
- Review or continue discussing the meaning of the verse
- Does this verse remind you of other scripture verses? Which ones?
- Practice previous verses!
- Try reciting the new verse alone – each member of the family!
- How do you see this verse demonstrated in a Bible character or a Bible story?
- Practice previous verses! Who can say ALL the ABC verses learned so far?

- Recite the new verse alone. Repeat for each member of the family.
- How can we apply the scripture to our own lives?
- Compliment each other as you see someone in the family living out the verse! Keep tally marks and see how we can all work together to put it into action today or this weekend.
- Recite all previous verses. Who can say ALL the verses all by yourself?
Review the ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards frequently!
Handwriting Practice for ABC Bible Memory Verse Cards
Besides the daily Bible instruction at the lunch table, the download also includes free handwriting sheets – two sets! Both manuscript and cursive. Your welcome! Also included are full-page size posters of each letter as well as small flash-card size (4 to a page) so you can decide how you want to teach the ABCs to your children.

I’d love to have you join me on your teaching and mothering journey! Let’s stay connected.