What were your favorite 1st grade books? Dive deep into your memories and I bet you’ll pull out several of these beloved classics right along with the warmth and laughter that went along with them!
First grade is the year of missing teeth, tying shoes, and…READING! Remember the first time you discovered you could read a book on your own? Wow! What a moment!
While many kids begin to learn how to read in kindergarten, 1st grade is when they really take off and soar! Even children who had no formal kindergarten instruction quickly sail through the ABCs in first grade and learn how to push those sounds together to make words. It is a magical year!
Reading Levels of 1st Grade Books
If you have glanced at a reading level chart, you’ll notice right away that a lot of different levels are represented in 1st grade books! Amazingly, first graders can range from Fountas & Pinnell level C all the way up to level H, making it super important that you know your child’s reading level before heading to the library! And don’t worry, if you have no idea what reading levels even are and how to find out, I got you covered.
First graders go from barely being able to read at the beginning of the year to becoming fluent readers ready for simple paragraphs and early chapter books. What a remarkable transition! Some children even move beyond level and are ready for 2nd grade books. Significantly, 1st grade books (and teachers!) cover more concepts in language arts than any other grade level.

High Quality 1st Grade Books
Despite the variety and availability today of so many novel 1st grade books for beginning readers, there is value in introducing our youngest readers to the classics. There are many vintage treasures geared specifically to first graders and beginning readers!
The classic 1st grade books market is dominated by Dr. Seuss, Arnold Lobel, and Nathaniel Benchley, but there are several other inspiring authors who contribute to our list as well. Plus, I also snuck in a few relatively newer books that are destined to become classics because they are already so loved by children today.
What is considered a classic?
I like Italo Calvino’s definition, “A classic is a book which has never exhausted all it has to say to its readers.” These engaging stories capture our children’s heart today just as meaningfully as they did our own years ago.
Stories shape a child’s mind so I chose only good quality literature that focuses on family, friendship, simplicity, beauty, and the good things in life. These 1st grade books are listed below roughly in order from Fountas & Pinnell reading levels E – J, becoming gradually more challenging so beginning readers can make a step-by-step transition to confident, fluent readers!
READ: Stop! Do You Know Your Kid’s Reading Level?

Each book featured in the list is linked to Amazon where I earn a small affiliate commission if you purchase through my link. It’s no additional cost for you, but helps me and my family. I only promote books and products that I have used myself and truly believe in. So, thanks for helping us out!
Key Features of 1st Grade Books
- Longer sentences
- Familiar content
- Picture support
- Multiple sentences on page
- 3-8 lines of text
- New story settings
- Smaller print
- Complex spelling patterns
- Fewer illustrations
- Unfamiliar, challenging vocab
- Table of contents, glossary
- Questions & answers
- Simple paragraphs
- Compare & contrast
- Some abstract concepts
My Picks for Timeless 1st Grade Books!
1. Storybook Treasury of Dick & Jane by William S. Gray
Dick and Jane have been around for a long, long time as a treasured part of early childhood and beginning reading! These sweet, innocent books will bring back a wave of nostalgic memories for parents and grandparents alike as a new generation of children join in the wholesome family fun..
2. The Foot Book: Dr. Seuss’ Wacky Book of Opposites by Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss has delighted young readers for decades with his silly, enchanting rhymes that make reading so much fun! His books are full of surprises that keep kids turning the pages and this one is no different as children explore opposites like big feet, small feet, slow feet, and fast feet! Get ready for some silly fun!
3. Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
Another Dr. Seuss favorite, Hop on Pop is a fun book with the delightful idea of jumping on dad! This books makes for a fun read-along with Daddy or Grandpa but is sure to enchant readers anywhere with it’s rolling rhymes and short, simple words.
4. Bears in the Night Berenstain Bears by Stan & Jan Berenstain
A humorous story from the well-known family of bears as they travel over, around, up, and down through the night out their window with their flashlights! This 1st grade book is a fun adventure giving your reader confidence with a book he can read all by himself.
5. Mrs. Wishy-Washy by Joy Cowley
We adore Mrs. Wishy -Washy! What a fun little lady with her crew of muddy farm animals and her big wash tub! This is a wonderful story for beginning readers and has several follow up books like Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm and Mud Walk. A 1st grade favorite!
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6. Biscuit’s Neighborhood: 5 Fun-filled Stories in 1 Box by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
There’s nothing more adorable than this frolicking little pup who joined the ranks in 1996! Follow along for bark-worthy adventures as he chases the ball, meets other pets, and visits the library! There are many books in the Biscuit series and each one is as enjoyable as the next, making this series one of the relatively newer classics because they are so loved by kids.
7. Elephant & Piggie: There is a Bird on Your Head by Mo Willems
Quickly attaining to the status of a classic, this awesome series of hysterical books uses simple language and kid-friendly storylines as entertaining best friends, Elephant and Piggie, encounter a world of adventure. Instead of being written in traditional lines, the text is written in speech-bubbles for a fun, new spin on reading.
This series got my little boy interested in reading when nothing else would do the trick! There are many titles available in the series including some helpful collections of the books.
8. The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss
Another oldie but goodie, this vintage favorite unbelievably celebrates 75 years of continuous publication in 2020! That’s pretty phenomenal! A little boy plants a carrot seed and believes in it staunchly even when everyone around him tells him it won’t grow. A lovely, timeless story about determination, belief, and the simple joy of watching a seed grow.
9. Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik
The Little Bear books are some of my personal favorites! Steeped in a child’s simplicity and innocence, Little Bear gets a new coat, goes to the moon, has a birthday, and through it all loves his Mother Bear! There are several books in the Little Bear series including A Kiss for Little Bear, another favorite in our home that was featured in this blog post.
10. Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss
Another super fun Dr. Seuss book, but this one is a bit more challenging because it is full of tongue-twisters! Your child will enjoy the rhymes while also appreciating the unexpected challenge of a slightly tougher, but just as silly, read. Yet one more Dr. Suess home-run! For another Dr. Seuss classic about the same level of difficulty, we also love Mr. Brown Can Moo.
11. Wacky Wednesday by Theo LeSieg
Wacky Wednesday is a hysterical, slap-stick silly story full of wacky weirdness like shoes stuck to the walls and houses with no doors. Count all the wacky things as you go along! A highly engaging, laugh out-loud story that your beginning reader will love! And guess who author Theo LeSieg really is? You guessed it! Our first grade hero, Dr. Seuss!
12. Danny & the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff
Celebrating 60 years of publication, this endearing vintage read is still a kid-favorite today! Join Danny as he meets a real-live dinosaur and they go off on a grand adventure! This 1st grade book is a wonderful fantasy story to spark your child’s imagination, just as engaging today as all those years ago.
13. Little Runner of the Longhouse by Betty Baker
Little Runner is a small Native American boy anxious to grow up, but Mother thinks he’s too young yet. This charming historical fiction introduces beginning readers to unfamiliar settings and new, more challenging vocabulary to explore worlds beyond their own!
14. I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words by Michael Frith
In this funny story, the dog’s owner attempts to teach his dog 100 words and commands! Beginning readers will feel so proud of themselves for being able to decode and keep up with this enjoyable pup as he tries to learn everything he’s being taught! Fun plot twists make this one a page-turner!
15. Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss
Every picky eater can relate to this timeless classic as he refuses to eat the green eggs with ham! Yuck! Parents are sure to remember this vintage story from their childhood and will enjoy sharing it all over again with their children.
16. Frog & Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
This Newberry Award winning 1st-grade book has been read and loved for over 50 years! Telling the wholesome story of two best friends, Frog and Toad do everything together! They grow seeds, bake cookies, and even learn how to be brave. This warm story of friendship is another favorite in our home!
17. Sam the Minuteman by Nathaniel Benchley
First published in 1987, this historical fiction book tells the fascinating story of a father and son during the long night before the Battle of Lexington that started the American Revolution. Books like this are a wonderful way to expose young readers to new places and eras as they gently explore unfamiliar concepts while learning a small piece of American history!
18. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
Frolicking rhymes and colorful, imaginary characters come together in this timeless, well-known childhood favorite! Get ready for lots of giggles! Let your imagination take flight!
19. Red Fox and his Canoe by Nathaniel Benchley
Red Fox wants a bigger canoe, but he doesn’t count on filling it up with all the other animals who want a ride! Will there be room left for Red Fox? This story is sure to make you laugh!
20. Mouse Tales by Arnold Lobel
Papa Mouse tells bedtime stories to his seven little mice boys – a sweet, silly story for each one! This endearing classic is entertaining enough for adults, but one you will enjoy listening to your first grader read aloud to you over and over!
21. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
No 1st grade books list would be complete without the incorrigible Cat and his Things 1, 2, and 3! A trail-blazing book of its era, this fun story epitomizes childhood imagination and has been dearly loved by generations of children.
What’s Your Favorite Vintage 1st Grade Book?
There’s something pretty special about snuggling close to your beginning reader and listening to him laugh at classic stories YOU remember reading as a child on your parent’s knee. Many of these vintage stories have been loved and read for generations! Their themes are as relevant today as they were 20 or 75 years ago! So go ahead, sift back through those memories, dust off your favorite childhood picture book, and pull it out to read with your little toothless beginning reader today.
Oh! And leave me a comment below — what’s your favorite childhood story? I want to know!
NEXT: The Most Amazing 2nd Grade Books!
- 1st Grade Books List
- 2nd Grade Books List
- 3rd Grade Books List
- 4th Grade Books List
- 5th Grade Books List
- 6th Grade Books List
- 7th-8th Grade Books List
- 100 Must-Read Classics for Kids: The Complete Elementary Reading List
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